The Broken Hearted.

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"...Imani? Did you hear me?"

Tearing her gaze from the passing buildings, Imani turned her focus to the man beside her, a cloud of sadness shadowing her eyes. "Yes, Jayden, I heard you." She answered, giving him a small smile.

"Is everything ok baby? You've been quiet since this morning," The concern in his voice almost made her believe he truly cared. She began to question if he ever did.

"Yeah, I'm good, just a little tired," Imani lied smoothly. Trying her best to put on the fakest performance she could. This was the last place she wanted to be - anywhere near him. She could barely look him in the eyes anymore.

She had to fight the urge to not snatch her hand away when he reached for it, placing a kiss on the back of it. "You look beautiful tonight," He softly cooed, rubbing his thumb across her knuckles as his eyes admired her frame in the sexy but classy number she chose to wear for tonight's event.

"Thank you," She whispered back just when their limo pulled in front of the venue. Both a sense of relief and dread washed over her at once simply because she didn't know how she was going to get through this night, especially with how she's been feeling.

Once Jayden had stepped out, Imani took a deep breath in an attempt to get her emotions in check. She rathered be somewhere in her bed, crying out her frustrations, not here plastering a fake smile across her face as she displayed false happiness in front of people she could really give a fuck less about. Not to mention on the arm of a man she could no longer stand to be around.

They were barely inside of the ballroom for ten minutes when that familiar warm floral scent filled her nose. "Mr. Reyes." A soft voice greeted in that same seductive tone she always used whenever she was around him. Imani glanced up at Jayden seeing him smile brightly as anger began to run through her veins.

She was just a good friend he told her, that they've been close since their middle school days - and since trust was key in any relationship, Imani blindly believed him, no questions asked.

However, Imani always caught the way he looked at her. The sparkle in his eyes whenever she was around and the neverending smile that graced his face when she spoke, which he was proudly showcasing now.

"Faithe, it's good to see you," He beamed, letting go of Imani to pull Faithe in for a hug, leaving Imani standing there awkwardly to look at an embrace she knew was more than just a friendly greeting.

As if she had just noticed Imani standing there, Faithe finally acknowledged her once she pulled away from Jayden. "Oh, Imani...that dress on you is everything," Faithe complimented her, showing off that perfect smile of hers.

It was the fact that she could stand there and smile in front of Imani's face after what she's done was crazy. Imani wanted nothing more than to knock this bitches teeth crooked. "You look great too, Faithe,"

Sporting a red bodycon dress that showed a little cleavage, Faithe looked good, it was something Imani couldn't deny her and neither could the man she called her fiancé either. His eyes have been looking her up and down like she was a piece of steak.

"Thank you," Faithe nodded before turning her attention back to Jayden. "There are some people here who want to meet you to discuss the Bellmore project. You mind meeting them?"

With no hesitation, Jayden wrapped an arm around her small waist as if Imani wasn't standing right there. "Lead the way," He replies, his eyes had been fixated on her the moment she showed up and Imani wondered if he had forgotten she even existed.

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