Never Ending Agony.

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"Fix your face," A stern voice hissed in Imani's ear causing her to internally roll her eyes. "And straighten up. Pretend as if you want to be here or else,"

Imani stood up correctly, plastering a smile across her face when they stepped inside of the bridal boutique where their guests were already waiting. Her gaze settled over the three women who occupied the long white couch, her left eye twitching when she met a pair of cold hazel eyes staring back at her.

"Ladies, it's good to see all of you," Imani's mother, Robin, voiced as she hugged each woman before taking her spot next to Imani. "We didn't keep you all waiting long, did we?"

"No, we only arrived five minutes ago since we were already close to the area," The older woman replied, looking between Imani and her mother. "I made reservations for lunch so we can discuss the reception after we finish here, is that ok?"

Imani wanted to say no but she knew otherwise to keep her mouth shut, especially around them. "Of course, I had a few things in mind about that anyway," Robin smiles, glancing at her daughter who remained in character.

"Great. So, Miss bride to be, are you excited for your final dress fitting?" The woman asked, turning her attention towards Imani.

"Very, Mrs. Torres," Imani lied smoothly.

"Imani, what have I told you? Call me Tammy, We're practically family now," She gushes, pulling Imani to her side as she leads the way towards the back. "My son is going to fall even more in love when he sees you in this dress,"

With a scoff threatening to escape her throat, Imani quickly covered it up with a small laugh. "I'm hoping that he does," She nods, wishing to be anywhere but here. This was supposed to a happy occasion but instead, all Imani felt was despondent.

"Daisha, why don't go help Imani with her dress?" Tammy offered, facing her oldest daughter much to Imani's dismay. The amount of dread that ran through her veins at the suggestion had her seeing red.

Opening her mouth to protest, Imani was quickly cut off by a soft voice. "No mama, I'll help her instead. I mean I am her maid of honor,"

A wave of relief filled Imani as she heard those words. Being alone with Daisha would've surely ended up with Imani arrested and Daisha laying in somebodies hospital bed. That girl had a lethal ass mouth and no type of respect for Imani at all. Not too mention the fact that she just so happened to be a good friend of Faithe.

Oh, the irony in that shit.

"Ok then, we'll be waiting out here when you two finish, don't take too long," Tammy shooed them to the back where one of the workers showed them where her dress was located in of the private rooms.

As soon as the door closed, Imani plopped down on one of the chairs in a huff. "I keep telling you Mani, you should run while you still got time cause ain't no way I would be still going through with this if I was you,"

Imani leaned forward, placing her elbows on her knees. "You know my circumstance Kaya, it's not that easy," What she truly wanted was to just disappear but with Jayden and who he was made the task impossible. If she ran he would only use her loved ones against her and he would go to great lengths to keep her in her place.

Something he has demonstrated once before.

"I don't like this Imani," Kaya voices, her worry evident in her tone. "No disrespect but your family isn't even worth it, in fact, they deserve whatever karma that comes their way," She comments bitterly. "And don't get me started on my brother's trifling ass, I can't believe he had that bitch in your home, not once but twice now!"

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