Ending The Curse

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              At the workshop, Tails was waiting for the gem to finish charging.
Once he had brought it to the workshop, he hooked it up on a charging panel, that way it could regain it's energy again.
As soon as it was finished, he would reverse the effects of it from Sonic and everything would go back to the way it was before.
A couple of hours passed and the gem was finally recharged. Tails called the others to come to the workshop immediately.
Sonic was now standing inside a glass capsule, the gem placed on top of it.
"Alright Sonic, ready to get back to normal", Tails said.
"You bet'cha, bud", Sonic replied, giving him a thumbs up, "though, I was a bit faster before I was cursed. For some reason, I'm gonna miss that".
"You were also stronger, too", Amy said.
"Hehe, you're telling me", Sticks chuckled, "that day when he punched those coconuts of that palm tree was pretty cool as well".
"And when he ate all those chili-dogs", Knuckles remembered, "I wish I could do that".
"Yes, all those parts were pretty awesome", Tails agreed, "though being  normal is okay, too. Okay Sonic, once I pull this lever, there's no going back".
"I know, Tails. Let's just get this over with", Sonic said.
Tails pulled down the lever, the machine turned on and the gems energy was slowly being sucked out of Sonic and back into the gem.
Then there was a sudden DING! The machine turned off, Sonic was finally back to normal.
In the middle of the woods, the friends broke the gem, destroying it, and Amy and Sonic went to bury it deep underground.
"And that takes care of that", Sonic said, "now no one else can be cursed".
"Done and done", Amy replied.
They headed for home, Sonic noticed that Amy was a bit quiet.
"Hey, Ames? You okay", he asked.
"Oh! Yes, I'm fine", she fibbed, "just. . .peachy".
Sonic knew she was fibbing.
"Look on the bright side, at least no one else will be cursed anymore. And we won't be able to fight Egghead for a while", Sonic said, though the positivity wasn't really helping, "come on, you can tell me, Ames".
"You wouldn't remember. . .", Amy sighed.
"Why wouldn't I remember the nice night we had last night", Sonic smirked.
Amy was surprised.
"You. . .you remember", she said happily.
"Of course I do, I promised that I would last night", Sonic explained.
"Oh", Amy said.
"You didn't hear me say it, did ya", Sonic cocked his eyebrow at her.
"Hehe, no. . .sorry", she apologized, a drop a sweat slid down her pink quills.
"Eh, it's okay", Sonic replied, "so, see ya tomorrow then".
"Sure", Amy smiled.
Back at her place, Amy finally finished what she was working on. . .a plush toy of Were!Sonic.
"There! All done", she said proudly, "even though Sonic's back to normal, it's good to have him back. And now I have you".
She cuddled the plush closely to her chest, the softness of it plush fur rubbing against her cheek.
The End.

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