Serpents Meet Riverdale High Part 1

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Toni: Hey jug are you ready for today I know things might be weird because you haven't talked to betty since you came to South Side High.

Jughead: Yea I'll manage we don't have to worry about betty when we get to Riverdale High it's Cheryl and Reggie and there minions plus I talked to betty last night so I think we are all good. Have you talked to Sweet Pea ,Fangs and your brother yet?

Toni: first off ew and are you talking about Cheryl as in CHERYL BLOSSOM and no I haven't talked to them yet just my brother I have to tell him but he won't be as excited as Sweet pea and Fangs.

Jughead: I didn't mean it like that but yes Cheryl BLOSSOM and WoAh there Toni you don't want to be around Cheryl she is bad news and plus she doesn't like the south side or there Serpents . And please make sure your brother Toby knows that we don't go to south side high anymore be for we get to that hell of a high school please.

Toni: Are you forgetting that we are serpents were are bad news as well what harm could she do to me or you guys and OK MR.BOSS MAN I will tell my brother. oh and what time does school start?

Jughead: Hahahhahha very funny and school starts in 30 min I'll text sweets and fang and we will meet at the entrance of the south side.

Toni: Oh shit Umm ok Meet you guys there and I told Toby and he's not so happy about going to Riverdale high. Jk toby is all good about going to Riverdale high lmao.

Jughead: Stop joking around and get here before we are late and have to here weather bee give a long speech about being on time and why school is important.

Toni: I'm texting and driving and I see you guys and that's a good way to be a party pooper.

Jughead's POV

Now that everyone is her I have to make a quick speech so "I know this is... a very big change for some of us because the South Siders and the North Siders don't get along but we can't take this opportunity for granted we can finally learn about things that will do us some good to our future and us going to a north side school does not change the fact that we are Serpents... so try and stay calm and collected. AND LET ME HEAR YOU SAY IN UNITY THERE IS STRENTH."


"Ok now lets go to school don't get couht up in anything we don't need weather bee breathing down our necks now." "LETS GO! "

(Arrived at Riverdale high with 20mins to spear)

Toni's POV

We have finally arrived at Riverdale high and once we walked through those school doors all eyes were on us.

(Before the serpents arrived at Riverdale high)

Good Morning Students of Riverdale high today I have to make an important announcement which is that South Side High has been shut down and the Students of that school will be transported to schools in the district and we are one of those schools in the district so when the Students of South Side High get here to day we will welcome them with open arms

(End of announcement back to Toni's POV)

Once we were all in the school we were welcomed by a girl with Raven black hair and a guy with red hair and betty, others we soon found out there names were Veronica Lodge, Archie Andrews and Kevin Keller, Josie McCoy. They seemed like pretty cool people anyway they were giving us a run down about the school and giving us our schedules for class and just when I thought things were going good a beautiful red headed girl came down the stair with the guy who I'm guessing is Reggie and the girl is Cheryl and there minions following.

Cheryl POV

After I heared the announcement that South side trash was coming to MY school I thought me and the Vixens, Reginald and his Bulldogs should well... ''welcome '' these so called Serpents. But I then see this beautiful girl with pink hair that stood out from the rest and I can say I might like her but I can't show that so any way once we are down the stairs I say stand down you Serpents. Then comes miss Veronica always saying something ughhh she says... "Cheryl what are you doing here no one invited you and may I remind you that you don't even like the south siders so why are you even hear?" "Your right veronica I don't like them I just came to say that I don't want Riverdale high Average GPA to suffer because of under achivers like themselves..and that they are and will never be welcomed her they're South Side trash."

Back to Toni's POV tee hee

Yea Cheryl is beautiful but she will not disrespect my family what so ever so I say... "WHY DONT YOU COME OVER HERE AND SAY THAT TO MY FACE" then she still has the nerve to disrespects me again by saying "HAPPILLY QUEEN OF THE BUSKERS" that's it Let me at her before I could knock that smirk off her face Toby and fangs hold me back then sweet pea steps forward about to hit Reggie in the face but Archie wants to step and try s to reason then veronica but when that doesn't work a loud voice makes the whole school go dead silent then a tall guy steps in the middle and broke everything up and said go to class everyone did what was told that must be weather bee the principle as I was walk to my first class I have it with Sweet Pea, Fang and my brother Toby, Cheryl winks and smiles at me I do the same back and I think I just made Cheryl Blossom blush.

Author Note this is my first time writing a fanfic let alone a Smut

I'm a terrible writer some word may be miss spelled

I will make more fanfic hopefully and I will post when ever I don't having any thing Important to do

Love you guys

word count:1,028


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