The Drag Race

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No one's POV
Cheryl and the rest finally make it to the Southside to help Jughead plan the race it's 11:15p.m.

Cheryl's Pov

We all get out of the car and Walk up to Jughead's Trailer and Betty knocks on the door. Not a second later it's opened by Toni who looks mad but her face soon light up when she sees me I blush a little and look down I walk in the trailer last every one has set down and there is only one spot left for me to sit and you guessed it right I have to sit next to Toni great this is gonna be along night

Jughead's POV

FINALLY I say as Betty and the rest of my friends walk through the door what took you guy so long don't answer that it doesn't matter anyway what matters is putting a stop to Penny and the Ghoulies so let's get to work. Archie you and me will be in one of the cars that is racing against two other Ghoulies while we are driving you pull the emergency break
and let the other car pass that's were Kevin comes in Kevin you will call and tell your dad and tell him the Ghoulies are doing a illegal drag race and they will be stopped before they get back to the start of the race, Kevin nods. Good Betty and Veronica you both be ready when me and Archie pull back up you both have to be quick jump in the car then we have to leave, Cheryl you start the race but once Toni tells you to come with her once she sees me you go with her. Kevin you leave with fangs and Sweet Pea. Then we all meet back at my trailer, everyone got that, they all nod. Now that everyone knows their part you all can go home or stay here for the night.

Toni's POV
SCORE! I get to take Cheryl with me after the drag race I could take her back to my place after instead of coming back to Jugs trailer. Maybe I can get to know her more and we could do some other things.

Soorrrryyy I haven't been posting I've been busy with school and other things. This chapter sucks and its short . And this chapter has been in my drafts for soooooo long. I'm just struggling with the smut that's why I haven't had a chapter with it in there yet so if you have any suggestions on how I should write the smut

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