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Hey uhh......Yeah it's me again but I have been noticing that Susie Has been Absent in a while and I don't know why But I Always see Joey Smiling like Crazy lately...I think that man has a problem with something..And even sometimes he would Flirt With me! It's very confusing and Uncomfortable Especially Because it's Joey Drew...My boss..Whatever he's planning I know it isn't good! And I wonder why Susie isn't here today..I'm worried....I'm nervous.....No..I need to Get this out of my head! This is just in my head! This is not real this is just fake please tell me it's fake tell me it's fake it's fake it's fake! This is only in my mind Joey wouldn't kill us right?! He wouldn't do something to us right?! He would not dare to Kill Someone RIGHT?! RIGHT?!?! AM I RIGHT?!?!?!.... hehehe.....






-Samuel Lawrence....

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