Joey Drew And his Little Sheep {18+}

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[This part will maybe be Having parts And it's until 4 Parts so Don't Be Angry With me When I do so!]

Sammy was just walking Into the halls Not daring to look back and see another one of those Creatures that were like ink. He just walked Continues..Not even wanting to See someone behind him even if it's only Norman Or Henry He didn't want to look back...He reached the end of the hallway..He Was obviously lost "Ah Shit! It's a dead end..Where is this place?" He looked around wondering why it's a dead end And wondering how'd it get here..He looked around and turned completely around and only to see Joey Drew Looking at him with a very Crazy Smile "Joey! How'd you get here? Are you lost to-" he was cut off by Joey Pinning him on the wall "j-joey?..." "shhhh~ It's ok My Little L a m b " The words Of Joey's Made Samuel Scared and Uncomfortable "I've been Seeing that you Like Norman!" Joey said As he started to get angry At Whom Samuel like "W-what?" Samuel Said to Joey Drew As he Joey Drew Trailed his Hands Down to his Pants "Don't Play Dumb Sammy!" He Said angrily At Samuel as He Grabbed something On his back , it was Samuel Lawrence's Diary "YOU STOLE IT WHILE I'M GONE?!" Samuel was obviously Pissed off But it didn't last long For The Hands Of Joey's Started to Rub Samuel's Cock "Ah~!..nghh~" a Moan slipped into the Little helpless man's mouth As he squirmed "Ahhh~ I see you That This is what you always wanted to do with Norman huh? Well that will change For I will Claim you as my own~" Joey whispered Into Samuel's Ears as Samuel Started to Moan more "S-stop~ Jo-Joey~ ah~" "That's Right~ just Moan my name My little Lamb~ hehe oh how I love to see you Squirm" Joey then Begun to Take off His Pants. Samuel Squirmed a little more while He did so.."Aww what's the matter little lamb~? Too Afraid~? No no don't be~" Joey Said softly And As he Fully Removed Samuel's Pants He then started to Look at Samuel And mostly at his Boxers where a slight bulge was pointing out..Samuel Was Blushing By Embarrassment and started to cry "No don't cry~ Soon you'll be mine Forever..And You'll always will be Mine alone~"

Samuel Lawrence's Diary {18+?}Where stories live. Discover now