Chapter 7

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A cool whoosh of air greeted her as she entered the doors of the department store, a large Scheels.

Weaving through the crowd, she got on the escalator, and not waiting for it to descend quickly jogged down.

"We need to secure the doors, escalators, every way in or out of this place." The guy with the spiked hair was speaking through what was most likely a comms in his ear.

So they were government maybe?

"Alright, I've got eyes on the area to the registers, Mac you take the back aisles, Bozer you take the front, and Jack you go in from the side. She's on the bottom floor."

Getting off the escalator, Lilly leaned over like she was examining a set of running shoes, hidden by the woman to her right who was reading  something on her phone.

Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the man with gelled hair pass her and the woman by, completely unaware that she was only a few feet away.

Standing up once she knew he was out of sight, she walked a few feet and made a sharp left, weaving through the children's section filled with kids, their moms, and in some cases their dad's too.

A baby girl accidentally tossed out her ring toy, Lilly bending over and picking it up just as Macgyver (Mac?) passed by, her heart beating erratically.
She handed the toy back to the mom, pasting a smile on her face.

"She's adorable."

"Ah, thank you," the mother beamed, sticking the toy in the bag as she handed her daughter a different one.

Continuing on she briefly rested against a pillar, closing her eyes for a few seconds.

"She's right next to you. By the swimsuits."

While Macgyver circled back around, Lilly went the opposite direction, pausing only a moment to set her watch again.
She walking past the aisle at the same time as an older couple was pushing their cart past the swimsuits, Lilly was easily concealed behind them as Macgyver appeared on the other side of the aisle, confused and seeming to get a little more frustrated.

Why couldn't they leave her alone? How would she even begin to explain this to them?

A sharp turn had her narrowly missing the darker skinned of the three men.

Bozer, was it? Odd name.

Walking a few steps, she kept her head down as she smoothly waded between Macgyver and gel dude. Guess that meant he was Jack.

"There she is!"

Lilly sped up her casual pace to a more fast walk.

"Behind you! To your left! Turn around! She's right between you!" Their tech girl sounded exasperated.

"Come on guys! She's in the restroom near the cafe now!"

"What?! I'm not going in some ladies room!" Jack complained.

"You will if you want to keep her away from Murdoc."
Another voice, a short woman with dark hair and intense brown eyes. Not there, a different place.....

Yep, things were changing, she'd never seen long distance before and didn't know what it meant. But .there would be time to puzzle all that out later.

Right now......

Taking a little detour, she headed into the women's bathroom, blinking from yet another flash.
Quickly shrugging off her jacket, she flipped it inside out, so the black leather was facing in, and the soft pale blue fuzz facing out.

Lilly really loved reversible jackets....

Taking out a baseball cap from her bag, she twisted her hair into a bun and tucked it inside the cap, sitting it firmly on her head.
Her shoulder bag was a small enough size so she simply tucked it inside her jacket, zipping it up.

Making her way out, she crouched down, selecting a Pepsi and a Twix, and paying for them with a twenty from her back pocket. She tensely watched from the corner of her eye as Macgyver quickly jogged towards the bathroom.

Accepting her change and the bag with her stuff in it from the woman behind the register, Lilly gave a polite thank you before slipping right past them, and stepping outside.

"Riley where the hell is she?!"

Much later Lilly was sitting in a hotel room after having called in sick for the next few days with her boss, Wendy, then dismantling her phone and taking out the GPS tracker chip.

Luckily she'd always kept a few hundred dollars in that hidden pocket of her shoulder bag, or she'd be really screwed.

Currently she was sitting on the bed, consuming her second slice of pizza while trying to come up with a plan for what to do next.
Already several options had been written down then scratched out on the hotel notepad, but Lilly felt like she was still left hanging.

She wished that she didn't feel so much like a fugitive on the run, which she was, but in all technicalities hadn't done anything wrong.

She wished she was spending the night in her own bed, but with how those people were able to find her so quickly after saving Macgyver, Lilly wouldn't put it past them that they'd already found her apartment.

Thank god she'd taken her sketches and journals with her, now that would be something she'd have a hard time explaining away if caught.

That would throw her already prepared excuse out the window. A thirty story window.

Granted it had been only a couple hours since she'd helped him out of that particular sticky situation, but still. She had to give them some credit.

They were government after all, couldn't be anything else judging by the few details Lilly had managed to scrounge from the more recent flashes.

Forcing her flashes of the future to happen no matter how much she tried, just didn't work that way.

She hated that part of her....whatever it was, certainly not a gift in all honesty.

Groaning in exasperation, Lilly tossed the notepad across the room, face plomped into the coolness of the bed covering.
Her scream of frustration was muffled by the bedding.

Then, scooching herself up Lilly let out a ragged sigh, flipped off the light and snuggled under the covers.

Lilly knew she couldn't keep running forever. It was inevitable they'd catch up eventually, she didn't need her flashes to tell her that.

One way or another.....

Feeling scared couldn't be helped, her mind swirled with so many unanswerable questions.

Who were these people? Why had they been chasing her?
And what were they capable of?

Couldn't they just leave her alone?
She'd saved his life. But so what?

Why was she so important to them in the first place?

And who was Murdoc?

EDITED: 9/6/22

Well, I hope you guys liked that chapter. I was having some difficulty writing in and altering that particular scene from 'Next', but I really wanted to include it.

Please share what you thought of this chapter, as I love hearing from you guys, and please do vote.
😊❤  😎👍

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