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There once was a boy. He lived in isolation, away from all except the two who ruined him. He was taught to trust no one, rely on no one, love no one.

He was fed, given shelter, a blanket during winter. But that's it.

He never got any hugs, or kisses, or toys, or presents, or books, or anything.

No love.

He was essentially locked up in his room. 

He learned to read through looking at trucks passing, the billboard outside his window, store names. He was taught the alphabet very briefly, back before the isolation punishment became a constant thing, so he used that minimal knowledge to figure things out. He was extremely smart.

He learned to talk through listening with his ear against the door whenever anybody walked by, or his parents screaming profanities at him, and daily practice conferences with imaginary friends.

He was often beat, called worthless, useless, ugly, a burden, a parasite that drained their money.

They never told him what a birthday is, what a holiday is. The only taught him to be grateful they didn't kill him. They taught him to stay silent.

Forever encased in those 4 walls and one window.

He wanted to be part of the sky. He often thought of it, since all he could do is think the hours of the day away. Sometimes blue, sometimes orange, always pretty. He always wanted to be pretty. And he would be, if he were the sky. He would be pretty and he would be free.

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