Long sleeves.

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long sleeves even in the summer, empty eyes holding tears uncried, A fake smile upon her face, plastered in place, just by sheer will, lying about cuts, saying it was just the "cat" she'd slowly wasting away. Lying about being okay, its no like anybody actually cares. hasn't eaten in 3 days, her health slowly fading away. all because they called her fat. brushing her off like she's a knot, she's trading her health for "beauty". happiness is but a memoir. their cruel words is all she knows, the pain getting bigger, until with a wry smile she finally pulls the tigger. finally finding etenal relief.


stay storng hold on okay???? message me anytime if you need too:) and get help right away becuase once you start to self harm its hard to stop!!! believe me i know!

love you ! ~ Brittany:)

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