I'm so done right now....

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I'm f*cking done with peoples bullshit, I'm done getting hurt, i'm done feeling the fucking pain all the time and people just laugh at me. why do you think i cut so much? why do you think i'm single? why do you think i don't trust people anymore? why even bother say you love when you don't, just ignore me while you can i'm use to it anyway.

I'm done with making every one so damn miserable when i'm around, what did i do so wrong to make everyone hate me? i'm down feeling like shit when i wake up in the damn morning, i'm done trying to cry my self to sleep at night i cant fucking take it anymore, why do you even play with my fucking heart when you know how much i hurt already, why the fuck would you do that when i did nothing?! its just a reminder that every things my fucking fault!  I'm sorry if i hurt you i;m sorry whatever the fuck i did to you that hurt you so fucking much, i'm sorry i'm not perfect, i'm so fucking done right now.

 why did you even say those words when you didnt even mean it? what was so wrong about me anyway? what did i do what did i say?! i didnt do anything!! why do you think i stop eating? why do you think i stop going over the my fucking mothers? why do you think i'm so bitter towards my dad? why do you think i hate the fucking world? why do you think i hate my sister so much? why do you think i have no friends at school? why do you think i pulled my own hair out! to waer these scars on my body and soon theres going to be even more, and why would you think i hate my self right now? I cry to much... why do you think sucide is the only reason i think about all the time? why do you think i care so much what others think about? I dont even know who i am anymore.

I'm so fucking done right now......

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