about me( not even joking most read!!)

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Okay heres a little or alot about me this is why i write these notes okay here goes...

when i was 7 years old i was sexually abused

when i was about 3 my mother left me and my 2 brothers shes back now but we don't talk much i go over sometimes but you know...

last year in grade 9 i was starting to cut i have cut for 2 years now I'm in grade 10 now and to be honest it has been 3 weeks and 1 day i haven't cut!

this year has been a little better than last year but people don't like me this year i dont know why they dont even know me so why care right?

i have been going through depression since i was 7 till now age of 15 anyway i have been getting help now they only reason it took 2 years and now, now that they took me was because of suicidal Thoughts it was getting worst but now that happen i would cut/ self harm even more the only reason was because sometimes i would this about the "what ifs" and i would feel like i can't breathe and i would cut.. um also becuase i was dealing with alot others things, my mom wouldnt call me for 3 weeks so you know what would happen.

so what happen a few weeks ago i told my friend about my self harming and ever since that she has come up to me and told me that she does as well and i think she's just doing that cuase shes making fun of me and copying me just to get the attention and when i told her that she said she wasnt but i  dont know i still dont believe her.

when i truned 14 me and my dad stop talking and playing around like outside and all that it got to me so ever since that i always get mad at him because he doesnt pay much attention to me but i still love him which he is depressed also so it makes it worst i guess but we are getting the help we need.

also i have had an eating problem which i will not talk about right now!!

if you are going thorugh what i have get help right away!!

~ Brittany:):):):)

Ps: you are loved!xxxx

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