Trust Issues 2

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Author's note:

Sooo...for my book, Mint's Life, I'm still taking some time trying to make the people I met that are going to be in the story into Trolls, but it takes some time. Like the names, the looks, the colors of them...yeah, sorry that I haven't uploaded any chapter from that, like I said, it takes time. Anyways, just a reminder that this story is sad so if ya don't like sad stories I'd definitely not recommend you to read this, and yes, this is real :3

Don't worry I'll explain who are the characters in the story (not their names though :b). But if you don't know which one's which, you can always ask me, I have no problem with that :D

Oh yeah, and if you haven't read the first part, I recommend you to before reading this (it's in this book as well), anyways, enjoy!

Oh yeah, and make sure to not think what I'm thinking at the moment as well, heh

On to the story :)

Well, Mint (me) was late to school. It was already 1:00 pm but she didn't want to go at that time....she wanted to go at lunch time....just 30 minutes left!

"Mom, lunch is at 1:30, can we go at that time?"

Mint asked Lime, her mother.

"What time is it now?"

Lime asked.

"It's actually 1 pm"

Mint's grandmother said to Lime. Mint, her mom Lime, her grandparents (from mother :3), and her sister were stuck in traffic. It's actually pretty normal that there's traffic in the road towards school, there's heavy traffic EVERY DAY!!! Mint thought that because of the traffic she would get to school at 1:30 (the traffic can last up to more than 2 hours, Yup, shocking....), but....oh no, she could see the main road towards her school....and it was just 1:06!

Of course Mint could just walk straight into her classroom, no big deal right?, yeeeah....about that......Mint would die of embarrassment......

You see she might have this thing called Social Anxiety, something that reeeeally bothers her everyday. And of course she never likes it when she enters the classroom late, she'll be the thing she hates the most....

The center of attention.

Oh my hair, Mint hates that SO MUCH! I mean if course, she'd love to be the center of attention, but like, for singing and stuff like that....but not when she's late...never!

Anyways back to where we were, the car they were on was now entering the road towards school (not the one where there's heavy traffic though). Mint tried eating a few minutes earlier to not eat lunch later, but....the only thing she felt when she was eating....was to throw up...

Yeah, she was nervous alright, her heart was beating faster, her palms were sweaty, and she was shaking so much! Imagine everyone...just staring at you, with you feeling like they're laughing and gossiping bad things about you.....she's felt that, and a lot. And she sure does hate it.....

"Umm...can we wait in the car a few more minutes...please?...."

Mint asked her mom. Lime knew that Mint wouldn't like it if she would enter late into her classroom, (SPOILERS FOR MY LAST BOOK OF THIS!!!!) she remembered the time Mint didn't want to enter, when she noticed that two of her friends that she thought Mint had trusted started looking and pointing at her....she felt so bad.....

"Hm....would you like something to eat while we wait?"

Mint immediately nodded, happy but still nervous, what if someone from her school saw her?!

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