Excuse Me?

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Everyone is being really....weird. Jason and Leo got in a fight-physically and at each other. Nico showed up out of no where-creepy. Percy pulled him into Percy's room- weird. Nico came out hard-not that I was looking. And when I went into Percy's room, he was crying...? Percy, I mean. He said he was fine and shoved me out. Yeah, that's cool. We've only been dating for- what?- five years?

I'll go find Frank. He's not being weird. Or in trouble. Or eighty years old. Or able to control my mind with verbal communication.

"Hey, Fra-" I'm talking to a Bengal Tiger. "Okay, so, you're busy....see you at dinner." See? See! I don't lie to you! EVERYONE IS BEING WEIRD.

Maybe Hazel. She was born eighty years ago, but she's not technically eighty. Right? She's probably in her room. Working on summoning gemstones or something. I'll just knock on her door and-

"Who is it?" calls a fake British accent

"Selena Gomez," I reply, so not in the mood.

"What's the password," grunts a fake Aussie.

"Let me in, Leo, or so help me," I reply.

"Not even close, mate," he replies.

"Nico! Go back in the closet!" Hazel, this time.

"Okay mom," Nico retorts.

"My apologies, Annabeth," Hazel says, opening the door.

"Why's Nico sitting in the corner."

"Nico! I specifically said closet!" She false scolds him. "He's so...Nico sometimes, ya know?" She giggles? Gods, she sounds like a) a twelve year old girl b) a sugar crazed child d) Leo or e) in love.

I suspect the last. But, with whom? Nico? Ew. That's her brother. Frank? No, they've been dating too long for her to finally be in this stage. Leo? After what he did today? No. Also, she dated his grandfather *gag gag* Percy? Oh, so help me! She wouldn't do that. She's too old fashioned. That also knocks out me, Piper and Coach Hedge. Let's go ahead and take out Gaea and Chiron too. So.....whom? Those weird ice dudes Leo's talked about? No, she's never met them. Who in Hades is it?

"Hello? Annabeth? What's up?"

"Oh! Um, nothing. I'm fine. I just wanted to talk to you about," well....Nico's here. That won't work... Hmmm, "...what happened earlier! I wasn't there, I was with Percy discussing, um, battle strategies for the war on Gaea," um? Yeah! "And then Nic-um, he- took us into a fire war?"

"Yeah!" Laugh, laugh, "It was crazy! Jason was just like "hey man! You wanna go? Lets go!" and Leo was like," she makes some gestures that I guess Leo made, "haha! Gosh, guys can be so stupid." By this time Nico was dying, and not even in the corner anymore. "I mean," she said, tickling Nico despite his protests, "straight guys are weird! Haha!" She's laughing.

But Nico and I no longer are. He turns bright red, embarrassed, and starts shaking, anger. He looks to the floor. Back up at me, goes to the closet and dissipates.

Hazel's stopped laughing by this time too. The horror of what she's said all over her face. "Annabeth."

"Yeah. I'll see you at dinner?" I say, briskly walking away, not caring for her answer.

What in Hades just happened.

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