Hey! You're here...!?

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There is no way that breakfast could be this awkward. Of course, I wouldn't know. Despite Percy, Hazel, Piper and Festus telling me that I should come up and eat with them, I'm down here. With Beaufort. And a box of pizza. And Monster Donut cookies. I know that monsters try to kill us and stuff but it's just SO GOOD!

And I'm watching three things at once! Pretty Little Liars, the one with the slutty chic trying to get the gothic guy. Like maybe... Hmm. Drew and Nico.


I don't think he'd swing that way. I don't think she'd swing that way.

Then also Teen Titans Go. This show is awesome! Not as good as Teen Titans (BRING BACK SESION SIX!!) but pretty good. Lets see..... Robin is probably me. No actual powers, everyone just basically ignores. Percy and Jason are Cyborg. Really cool and the most powerful. Hazel and Piper are Raven. Don't feel like they fit in anywhere, but do. Freaky cool with magic. All have a very manipulative parent. Nico's also Raven. Dark, secretive, studies weird crap when he's alone. And is a spawn of a dark lord.

And beast boy is Frank. Duh. Animals. And maybe...me? Five? Green-with jealousy?

Okay, that's too deep, Leo. Take it back a notch.

The third is a Full House, the one where Uncle Jessie has all these dates and gets caught being a playah. High five my man!

Hmmm.... I wonder if pizza and cookies are good together. Hmmm.... Which would be better with cookies? Three cheese, Two sausage or Hawiian? Both.

Ew! This is horrible!

Hmmm.... Would hot sauce make it better



Good thing the only thing I feel anymore is pain.

And food.

*knock knock knock*

"Go away."

"No. I want to see you."


"Come on, Leo. Let me in." Who the crap is outside my door because it's a chick and it's not one of ours.

I look down at my muscle tank and cargo shorts. That's not horrible.

I look at my face and hair in my laptop reflection. That's always perfect. Haha no. Hair looks okay, face....ew. But it's always ew. So I can't fix that.

Full house, off. Teen titans go-OFF. Pretty Little Liars. OFF.

"Kay, on sec," I say, grabbing a breath mint.

"Hey! I'm so glad I can see you!"

"Oh my Gods! Calypso! Hey! You're here!"

"Yeah! Did you know that you know Percy Jackson? Like The Percy Jackson? The one I fell in love with?"


"Well I'm so glad! Cause now I can slap him! He said he'd wait for me! He said he loved me!" She laughs. "So did you," she says, walking her fingers down my chest. "And here you are..."

"And here you are..."

"Here we are, Leo."

"But where is here?"

"Leo! What's up?"

"I would say the sky, but we're in it."

"Leo... Are you feeling alright?"

"Yeah, I guess."

"Can I come in?"

"Yeah, sure."

"Come on, Leo."


"Where's that inappropriate humor and ADHD drooler that I fell in love with?"

"Probably off somewhere starting a fight."

"Come on Leo," she says, rubbing my thigh. What's with this chick? I was with her for weeks and the last day was the day she decided she liked me. Love you too. "I thought you loved me."

"Yeah. I did, Calypso. For weeks."

"Oh..."she said, starting to get it. "Well...okay. But, maybe, could I have a second chance? Please? I only got off my island because the Gods knew I wasnt going to fall in love again. When I left there was four guys there. The boat wouldn't come. It doesn't come until-"

"-you fall in love. I know."

"I can't fall for anyone after you. And I fell for you after Percy."

"I tried to tell you, I'm the sexist there is."

"I know," she giggles, drawing circles on my hand with finger. "And you're so funny! And so good with your hands," giggling extra at that last part.

"Like you're not good with yours," I say, smirking.

"You're so bad!" She laughs and shoves me.

"Where are you staying?"

"On your lap," she says, failing to keep a straight face.

"The whole time?"

"If I can help it," she says, biting her lip.

"I want to be serious for one sec, okay?"

"Okay. I'll try," she says, giggling.

"Where. Are. You. Going. To. Stay."

"Here...? With you...?" She says, biting her lip.

"Well....Coach Goat's not here so...."

"Yay!" She says, laughing, "can we kiss now?"

"Well, I mean, a guy can only live off pizza and cookies for so long..."

"Lunch is in half an hour!"

"Okay, come here."


Author's Note:

Hey guys! How ya liking it? This is the fifth chapter and I'm going to try and keep up with you guys every five chapters or so. Firstly, I can't post often. I don't have wifi half the time, so... But I write constantly. So, when I do post, it'll usually be multiple chapters. Also, I just got a kitten! He's eight weeks old, and LOVES TO PLAY. So, I might not write as fast as I normally would.

READ THIS: the next chapter, and the chapters after that are going to get into the PG13+ areas. Oh! And be ready for another plot twist. (Mwuahahahaha)

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