Chapter 4

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Ellena's POV

I get ready to go to class when I run into one of the teachers and spill coffee on him. "OW, GOD DAMN IT!!!" A slurred voice yelled. I help him up. "I'm so sorry! Please forgive me!" I pass him my yellow handkerchief and he gladly except's it. "Its quite alright miss. My name is Mr. Warfstache...Ellena?" I smile at the man. "WILFORD!" I jump hug him. "You just missed Sean and Jameson. Sorry." He begins laughing. "I'm not here to see you or them! Im the  Fencing Teacher! I also teach Gun Slinging. You are in both of my classes." I smile at the man. "I brought you a spare suit." I pass him a pink suit with pink suspenders and bow tie. "You are a life saver!" I kiss him on the cheek. Witten walks up." Hey baby. You okay? I heard you shouting." I look up at him. "I'm fine. Witten, this is Jamesons boyfriend, Wilford. Wilford, this is Witten." Witten grabs hold of Wilford hand. "Hello, Mr. Warfstache. I was you Gun Slinging and Fencing student last year." I smile, shocked. "Aw, yes. I remember you. Ellena, This guy will give you a run for your money. He beat me in a gun match. One of the best and has got some balls." I kiss Wittens sweet lips. "Oh my gosh! Witten! You are the best!" Wilford looks at his watch. "Damn. Sorry to cut this short, but I gotta go to class. I'm about to be late. BYE!" I smile and walk off with Witten. We go to our first class, which is Math. Our teacher is Mr. Darkiplier. "Okay, class. Settle down. Welcome to Math 101. My name is Darkiplier, but you may call me Dark, Damien or Celine." All the kids snicker except for me, Host and Witten. "What is so FUNNY, class? Is it That I said to call me Damien? Or Dark? Or Celine?" One kid looked up. He is wearing a white shirt, black pants and a leather jacket. "It's that you told us to call you Celine. That is a lady name." A guy in a girl shirt and shirt stands up. "Stop being rude to my uncle." I smile and lean over to Witten. "This boy's got spunk." The boy in the jacket stands up. "How bout you fuck off, freak? Why you wearing a skirt and girl shirt, slut?" The guy stands up. "I AM A GIRL! AND YOU CAN-" "YANDERE CHAN! THATS ENOUGH!" The boy-uh...girl Yandere Chan sits down and becomes quiet. Mr. Darkiplier walks up to the boy. "Celine is my name and I would have respect for me and my niece ." His red aura overtakes the blue one as he goes back up to the chalkboard. She writes a sentence. "You will stay after class and write this sentence 400 times." The boy in the jacket reads it out loud. "I will not disobey the teacher and their niece." Mrs. Celine smiles coldly. "Now, open your textbooks to page 394. We will talk about..."

Timeskip, because I don't know Math.

I walk up to Yandere and introduce myself. "Hi. My name is Ellena Jackson." She smiles. "My name is Yandere Chan. Friends call me Yan." We begin walking to lunch. "How would you like to come sit with us at lunch? Maybe get to know us?" She smiles and gives me a hug. "Thank you. Who Do you have next?" I look at my list and tell her..."I have Mr. Warfstache next. He is my brothers boyfriend." She smiles and tells me..."Is it The man in white shirt and blue vest? That used to sing and bartend at the nightclub 'Jameson's bar'?" I smile. "Yep. That's him." She smiles even bigger. That's my papa. Dark is my uncle." I smile. "It's a small world after all..." Host pipes up. "I've got a lovely bunch of coconuts here in a pile." Witten and Yan join. "Bum bum bum. Big ones, small ones, some as as big as your head..." we all break off laughing. "Well, guys. I'm gonna go to the library. Want to join?" All of them stand up and join me.

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