Chapter 5

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Ellena's POV

We all head up to the library to see Mrs. Martin, when we bump into a boy carrying a big pile of books. "I-I'm s-s-sorry, guys." I bend down and pick up his books. "Don't worry about it. I'm Ellena, by the way." The boy looks up and smiles. I look down and notice that he has prosthetic legs. "Oh my gosh. Are you okay?!" He smiles and pushes his glasses up. "I'm okay. M-my name I-is Eric D-Derickson." I hand him His books. "Have a good day. If we bump into you, come join our little group we've got going on." He smiles and nods his head. We enter the Library to see Mr. Fischbach. I walk up. "Hey Markiplier! It's great to finally see you again!" I cover my mouth and sush myself. He laughs and smiles. "It's good to see you again, Ellena. You've grown up so much. You too, Yandere." We both smile as Host walks off. Witten kisses me. I kiss him back. "We have grown, Mark. How is Jack doing?" Yandere asks. Mark smiles. "Septiplier has gone to the next level. JACK? WHERE ARE YOU?" His voice booms through the library. Jacks Irish voice rings through the library. " I'm over here, ya big goof!" Marks face brightens up and he grabs Jack. "There you are, nerd!" Jack closes the gap and kisses him. Mark pulls apart. "See?" We all cheer. Jack looks at his watch. "Shit, y'all better get going! Your about to be late for next period!" We all look up and speed walk down the hallway. We make it to Gun Slinging class just in time. Wilford walks up. "I see you got yourself a group of friends, Ellena." I smile. "Yea. I also met your daughter, Yandere Chan." He smiles. "Wheres my sweet pea?!" We move out of the way to reveal her. We gave her a makeover. Dyed her hair red. Wilford smiled. "O my Lord, you look so great, Yan!" Now. Lets get to work!" The guys and Yan choose their weapon. Witten chose a revolver, Host chose his magical pen and book. I didn't have a weapon because I never used one before. "William, I don't have a weapon. I never used a weapon." He smiles at me. "Well, how about you try one?" I pick up a lively oak staff that is blue. It fits perfectly into my hand. "This one." I say. Wilford smiles. "That used to be my dad's. He was really good at it. Fight me." I smile. What he does not know is that I have used this weapon before. Jameson and I used to go into the woods and take our bamboo sticks and fight. I say this to lead him into a false sense of security. Host stands in front of us. "This is a battle between Noob, Ellena and Pro, Wilford. FIGHT!" Wilford takes the firs swing, but I easily side step it. I get him in the chest. "Game over. I lied. I am a pro." I go and pick up a revolver and shoot the target right in the middle. Wilford and Witten are staring at me. "Good Golly, Ellena! You little lier. You have done this before!" Witten comes up and pats me on the back. Wilford puts on some music and begins to sing. Witten danced with me. When the song ended, Witten spun me around then put me into a dip. Dark walks up and claps slowly. "Very good. You two should be in dance class." Witten looks up. "I am in dance class. Ellena isn't." I smile and kiss him. "I am going to join dance soon. Just haven't gotten around to it." Dark looks at me, and his blue aura flashes. "Well, Hello there, young one. My name is Damien." I smile and shake the man's hand. "My name is Ellena. It is nice to meet you. I saw Celine earlier. She is very smart and brave." Damien chuckles and smiles. "She is one brave lady."

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