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"I have absolutely no pleasure in the stimulants in which I sometimes so madly indulge. It has not been in the pursuit of pleasure that I have periled life and reputation and reason.It has been the desperate attempt to escape from torturing memories, from a sense of insupportble loneliness and dread of some stange impending doom."

"Yes, i would say that quote fits his thoughts perfectly... two hundred years ago." The man smirked and look over at the boy who sought beside him listening the whole time.

He then threw down a slip of folded paper on the space that separated them on the wooden bench.

"So what will the saint do? Will he warn them only becoming a pawn in my game or will you ignore this peice of paper with their address on it, and go on living your life peacfully in your little orphanage? You dont want to be a pawn do you? Oh but you want to help them! To prepare them for the terror that will come. But if something happends to you what will happen to the children? In the end its all up to you. Oh the poor pure hearted saint. What will he do?"

The boy stared at him with narrowed blue eyes. "Why wait for so long to do this?"

It was at that moment that the children burst through the church doors laughing and running.

"Big brother!" They crowed around the boy, the youngest sitting in his lap. The boy grabbed the slip of paper before it could be seen by the children.

"Were you talking to God today?" The boy smiled fondly at the little girl in his lap.

"No not at this moment." As the children continued to talk and play around him, the boy looked back to the entrance of the church where the man walked down the asile, going unnoticed by the children. He was a darkness that the children only read about in scary stories. The man feeling the boys eyes on him looked back and smirked.

Why pluck the fruit of happiness from the tree before it is ripe?

The last thing the boy saw was the mans long black hair blowing throught the slowly closing door. Stroking one of the childrens heads he looked at the paper.

What will you do?

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