Chapter 4

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A/N: So I realized something kind of funny while writing this chapter....

I picked the names Katsu and Ritsu for the twins and didn't realized until I was writing Aomine's dialog in this chapter that Katsu and Ritsu both also rhyme with Tetsu. Lol <3
I found it ammusing because I totally didn't do that on purpose!

Anyway...Hope you guys like this chapter!

Chapter Text

The last thing Kuroko remembers before waking up in his hospital room was Akashi taking him to the hospital and feeling a lot of pain. The bluenette slowly moved his hands down to his abdomen only to feel a flat stomach instead of a baby bump. Kuroko sat up abruptly in panic only to immediately regret it due to how much pain it caused. Akashi who had been sitting in the chair next to his husband quickly got out of his seat and went to Kuroko's side.

"Tetsuya. You need to be more careful."

"The twins..." Kuroko said as Akashi helped him lay back down.

"You went into labor and had a C-section yesterday remember." Akashi said. "That's why you can't sit up like that. You'll open up your stitches."

"Where are they?" Kuroko asked.

"Since they were born a bit early they took them to the NICU just as a precaution. The first born twin is doing surprisingly well." Akashi said. Kuroko almost relaxed but being as observant as he was he picked up the hidden message in Akashi's words.

"...and the younger one?" However, before Kuroko could get an answer out of his husband, Dr. Nakabara came into the room.

"Ah. Finally awake I see. How are you feeling?" He asked.


"I would imagine so." Dr. Nakabara said as he checked Kuroko condition. Once satisfied that the bluenette was healing properly he asked if Kuroko had any questions.

"How are the twins?"

"Well the first born twin is in excellent health even for being born early. Quite impressive really." Dr. Nakabara explained. "As for the younger twin there were some minor complications. He was a little under weight and a bit smaller than his brother. It's not uncommon for this to happen with twins; often one will gain more of the nutrients and grow faster while in the womb. This will cause that twin to be ready to be born sooner than the other. You shouldn't be too worried about his size though, I imagine another week or so here and he'll be ready to go home."

"Were there other complications?" Kuroko asked. The bluenette could tell there was something else that the doctor and Akashi still hadn't told him yet.

"You're a sharp one aren't you. I imagine very little gets by you." The doctor said. "Well when the second twin was born we couldn't hear him cry. Now before you get worked up he was breathing and alive, we just couldn't hear him cry. After a few tests we discovered that his vocal chords and voice box are very underdeveloped."

"So he has no voice? He'll never be able to speak?" Kuroko asked more for his understanding than anything else. The bluenette knew that the doctor had already explained the condition to Akashi.

"Actually he does have a voice, however, it's barely audible. His voice will probably never be louder than the quietest version of a whisper. It will require the two of you to be much more observant and attentive to his needs. Also, I will give you some pamphlets about how to care for a child with a vocal handicap as well as baby sign language programs. I'd recommend teaching both twins so that the youngest will be able to communicate with everyone in the family. Would the two of you like to see the twins now?"

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