Chapter 5

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"S-Sei...haa ah." Kuroko panted softly as his husband kissed his neck starting at his collar bone and working his way up to his ear. The red head smirked against his husband's skin as he continued to kiss the bluemette's neck while runing his hand down Kuroko's chest until he reached the hem of the his t-shirt and pushed it to up to expose his stomach. The bluenette's scar from the c-section was healing very well, and wasn't as noticeable as it had previously been. Akashi ran the tips of his fingers across the healing scar and then down the bluenette's stomach causing Kuroko to shiver. When he reached the hem of Kuroko's pajama pants, the red head slid just his index finger under the waist band and slowly caressed the bluenette's skin in a teasing manner. Akashi decided he had teased his husband enough and was about to slide his hand all the way into Kuroko's pants when...

"Waaaah waa ha ah waaah." Katsu's cries came from the baby monitor. It was obvious that it was Katsu because with Ritsu being vocally impaired his cries could barely be heard through the baby moneter. In fact Akashi and Kuroko had to have a specially made baby monitor that was able to pick up even the quietest sound. They also had three of them in the baby's crib. One on the left, one on the right and at the top of the crib so they would be sure to hear the baby if he cried during the night. In this case the cries were loud enough on there own that both men knew the one crying was Katsu. Akashi sighed and rested his forhead on Kuroko's chest.

"I'll go check on him." Kuroko said as he started to sit up, however, Akashi gently pushed him back into to bed.

"No, I'll go. I want you to stay right here and don't move. This is exactly where I want you." Akashi said leaving a trail of kisses along Kuroko's neck and up until he reached the bluenette's nose. Dispite the sweet kisses, Akashi's words came across as more of an order than a request. Kuroko didn't mind though. He'd never admit it out loud but he found the dominant side of Akashi's personality to be incredibly sexy when they were in bed together.

"Hurry. If Katsu cries much longer he'll wake up Ritsu." Kuroko said as Akashi was leaving the room. Then the bluenette snuggled further into the mattress and against his pillow, making himself a bit more comfortable while he waited for Akashi to return.

The red head quickly walked down the hallway to the twin's room and opened the door. As he walked towards Katsu's crib he noticed that his son's pacifier was on the floor. It became apparent to the red head that this was the reason for Katsu' s tears. Akashi gently lifted Katsu out of the crib and started rocking him in his arms as he walked to the dresser where the extra pacifiers were kept. After slipping the pacifier into the little bluenette's mouth Akashi sat down in the rocking chair and and slowly rocked the baby until he fell back to sleep. The red head carefully laid Katsu back in his crib and was about to leave the room when he noticed Ritsu sitting up in his crib crying softly and reaching his arms out towards Akashi.

"Guess I wasn't quick enough." Akashi whispered as he moved towards his other son's crib. "Your big brother was very noisy wasn't he." Akashi said before repeating the same process of rocking his son back to sleep. Once he was sure both boys were sound asleep Akashi quickly made his way back to the bedroom where Kuroko was waiting for him.

The red head quickened his pace as he neared the door to their shared bedroom but Akashi stopped in his tracks when he reached the door frame and saw his husband laying on the bed. It was not how he was expecting to find the bluenette and Akashi was quite disappointed. Kuroko was still in the same position Akashi had left him in, however, Kuroko was sound asleep with Nigou snuggled against his side. Akashi let out a soft yet frustrated sigh as he walked towards the bed, turning off the light as he went.


"I can't believe they are walking already!" Kise said holding his phone up while taking a video of Katsu walking across the grass and into Akashi's open arms. Ever since the twins were born the GOM were all constantly at Akashi and Kuroko's home. All of them took their roles as honorary uncles very seriously.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 23, 2019 ⏰

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