chapter 11

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Readers POV

"Umm, thank you for all your help" i said nervously "but i should get going, the Aladdin might start to worry"

I started to pick up as much as i can and my hoodie fell off

"Shit" I said

"Oh, so your the magi" he said

"Hey, (Y/n)" I heard Morgiana call my name

"I'll see you again, you can count on it" he said as he flew up into the air and disappeared out of sight

"There you are" she said

"I sorta got to much down, now i cant bring them all back" i said

Theres no way im telling them about Judar, I dont want them to worry i thought

"Ill help, by the way, your hood fell"she said putting the hood back on my head

I giggled

"Thanks" i said

We all got comfortable and I slept by Morgiana, on my right was the forest

Morgiana got protective because i guess the two boys are a little bit of pervs

Thats when we heard growling from thw bushes

We all sat up and looked at the source

But what ever it was, was hiding behind the bushes of the forest, and i believe saw us as its next meal

Off The Map (Magi X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now