Chapter 23

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Readers POV

I then realized that the cold object he was holding to my neck was a knife!

I started to panic, I didn't have my bow or any if my arrows in hand, if I try to use my magic I might kill someone or everyone here

I was cornered

"Use you magic, (y/n)!" Alibaba said "I can't use my fire or I'll burn you too! "

'And he has a knife to my neck, so Morgiana can't use the chains or he'll kill me, the dame thing goes with Aladdin' I thought

"I can't!" I said "I might kill someone or everyone here, I'd much rather die!"

Judar then flew us up higher, I thought he was a nice person

"Please, Judar" I said "I really don't want to hurt you"

"Give her back!!!!" Alibaba Said

'Water, no, fire, no I don't want to kill him! Wind, no I'll make everyone else go flying, earth, that might work' I thought

"Everybody, get far away from us!" I yelled

They then moved

"Not going to happen" Judar said then he flew fast and somewhere far

After a while, he stopped, I looked up at Judar as the knife was now put away

"Why do you want me, what do you want from me" I said

he only looked at me

"Your kind is uncommon cause people are killing magi's like you, they say their to powerful, and they are scared" Judar said "I took you so I can keep you safe"

"How do I know your not those people" I said

"Because I'm a Magi" he said

"Give her back, Judar!!! " I heard Aladdin say

I look to see a magic cloth flying our way

I quickly escape his grasp while it was loose and fly between the two face the cloth with my arms out

"He's bot bad! " I said

The cloth stopped

"Yes he is! " Alibaba said

"He just tried to kill you" Morgiana said

"No, he was saving me, he said that the reason I'm uncommon is because people are out to kill us" I said "he took me so he can keep me safe"

They looked shocked, but I knew they don't believe it too

"He's lying" Alibaba said

"fine, go with them, (y/n) " Judar said "but I will be watching and visiting my little pet, to make sure is okay"

And with that Judar left

"We are coming to have to keep a close eye on (y/n)" Aladdin said

"He hasn't done anything to out me in harm!" I said "I don't get why he is so dangerous"

"You just have to trust us" Morgiana said

"Let's get back to Sinbad" Aladdin said

And we all flew back to Sinbad's place

When I walked in, arms were thrown around me, Sinbad was the one hugging me

"Thank the gods that you safe" Ja'far said

"You we're gone for a month! " Sinbad said

"She was almost made a slave" Alibaba said

" I think I went over borad though" I said "I kinda traumatized the poor guy"

"What did he look like" Sinbad asked

"Let's see, he wore make up and had white hair" I said "I thought he could be a friend but he poisoned my water and I past out"

"You can't trust anyone" Ja'far said

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