#30 Magical bond..

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We were strangers at first
And hardly know each other best..

A hello and a hi,
And often a goodbye,
Is what we share,
Every now and then when we found each other's stare..

Then, we got to know each other
And day by day it makes us closer,

Now, you know all of me,
And I know you too upto some degree,

A part of it is that smile,
Which makes my heart skip a mile..

Slowly, the feelings grew up more
And we started to adore..
Each other, more and more..

We became best friends,
And often spent time together on the weekends..

I love our relation,
Cause it gives off an unknown satisfaction,

Cause there isn't any word which can describe what we feel for one another,
There isn't any language that can put up the magical bond, we share...

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