#33 Legend

17 4 7

You said she wouldn't make it,
You said she wouldn't do..
She's the one who doesn't quit,
When everything was blue,

The girl who was once a weakness..
Is now a huge star,
She's the one who rendered everyone speechless,
Even when the goal seems to be too far,

Your thinking might be limited,
But her goals are not..
For you, so many things should be prohibited,
But for her, ways are lot..

She's that daughter..
You were about to throw,
She's that daughter..
In front of whom.. a lot of people bow,

You said she was a disgrace
And now she's a role model,
You commented on her race...
When she's the one who dazzle

(To all those girls who have to listen to that 'so called' norms of the family and hinder their growth process just because it's not what the families desire for them.)

Everything I wish to sayOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora