Chapter Four

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     The sudden pounding at our front door sent chills through my body. My head snapped to the side as I listened carefully to hear what was outside but all that came from it was about a dozen men shouting. The pounding on the door seemed to grow louder with each hit. I stumbled off of the dining room chair and rushed upstairs. My mother had been sleeping and my father was in the back chopping wood. When I got to my parents' room I flung the door open and jumped on top of my mom urging her to wake up.
     She slowly came to and it seemed as if the look of worry in my eyes was what finally brought her to full consciousness. My father burst into the room seconds later.
     "Go! Run into the cellar and don't come out until I say it's clear!" His words were rushed and frightened which caused teardrops to pool in my eyes.
     "Father what about you?!" I whispered.
     He turned his head to my mother, "Delilah take her downstairs and lock the door," he grabbed both of us in a tight hug and kissed our foreheads, "I love both of you very much."
     A sob escaped my lips as we left him there and made our way to the basement. "Ezzy, follow me closely." My mother said, pulling me closer to her body. As we passed the hallway that led to the front door I saw that the men had split the door down the middle and were bound to get in any second.
     When we made it downstairs and into the basement cellar my mother urged me to stay put. I grasped her dress tightly, "no mama, please don't leave me here!" She looked deep into my eyes and crouched down to my level. "Sweetie, I want you to know how proud and how happy your father and I are to have you as our baby girl," she placed a gentle kiss on my forehead, "if you hear anything upstairs honey, you STAY HERE, promise?" She pleaded... I wanted to disagree and I wanted to charge forth with them but if these words were her last wishes then I was going to abide by them.
     "I promise mama," tears were rushing down my cheeks at this point. She kissed me once more before standing up straight and closing the door behind her. I scooted into the corner of the room, urging myself not to listen. I covered my ears as tightly as possible, yet still, I was able to hear the screams coming from upstairs. My eyes were shut tightly as I tried to calm my breathing. After a couple of minutes, things went dead silent. I opened my eyes and uncovered my ears. I could hear slow steps coming down towards the basement and I held my breath as the door slowly opened. My mother was grasping the side of her waist as she tried to speak.
     "Ezra, run!" She tried yelling and seconds later a stake sliced through her back and into her heart. Her eyes rolled back as she fell to the floor. My heart dropped as I saw her body hit the ground. For a second I was paralyzed in time. The man who had murdered her stood tall as he smirked at me.
     I could feel my fangs grow as I leaped towards him. In a second the man's neck was snapped and his body thudded on the ground, leaking blood everywhere. I rolled my mother over and heard her gasping for breath.
     "Mama no, please stay awake! Mama, wake up, stay with me, please!" I begged, she tried to reach for me and I grasped her hand tightly in mine, "Promise me, Ezra, that you will keep our secret safe. Promise me that another human's life will not be taken by the hands of a vampire." She spat out. Blood was coming from her mouth as I cradled her in my lap. My tears burned out of my eyes, "I promise you, mama, I promise..."


     My eyes shot open and as I woke up I was sweating. The dream of how my parents were murdered made tears burn the corners of my eyes. My breath was ragged as I sat up.  I looked down at my naked body, thankful to see the necklace still wrapped around my neck. I looked around to see if I could indicate at all where I was but nothing seemed to do the trick. I sat up, wincing in pain as my ribs popped back into place. 

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