Like An Ocean - Jessica's POV

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My whole world was pain. Every part of me was crackling, lit up like a bonfire.

At first, I tried to cling to whatever part of me was left, to stop myself from losing my mind in the heat and the pain that flared all over me.

I didn't want to be consumed, and I fought it as hard as I could.

My body was a torture chamber, each little twitch sending a fresh wave of heat over me. But I couldn't stay still — every muscle in my body twisted and twitched, spasming.

I wanted to scream. My mind was shrieking, but somehow, my voice was dulled.

As the first shocks of heat and pain bore through me, I tried to make myself forget. As if that were even possible. But I tried, anyway. And if anything could help me, it would be the angel.

She had been the one to find me in the woods and knock away the animal that had attacked me. She had been the one to carry me off to...?

This couldn't have been Hell. Why had the angel come at all if she were taking me to be punished?

I clung to the memory of the beautiful angel, with her golden hair and perfect face, but soon, the pain ripped even that away.

Pain spiraled through me, I didn't know for how long.

Then a moment of sweet relief — my mind slipped back to some memory of a green forest, the gentle babble of a brook and a dozen little birds hopping on the ground, curious as they edged toward me.

It was a beautiful vision, but something about it felt wrong like it belonged to someone else.

But I wasn't scared. Maybe I was just happy to have another distraction from the pain.

But then my moment of peace was ripped away like a scrap of paper snatched out of my hands. The heat and the pain returned, fiercer this time, like it was angry that I had managed to chase it away for a few seconds.

I sank into endless pain.

Swimming in it, drowning in it.

Pain like an ocean, as far as the eye could see...

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