Everybody's yelling about my mom

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Okay so my brother is going on a trip for one if his club thing, so my aunt was making him his favorite food for dinner. Here comes my mom, he says he need a light jacket because it was about 91 degrees today and it's going to be hotter there than it is here. She starts yelling at him how he should have been more prepared and etc. My grandma comes over and try's to make the situation better she gives him some money because they have to pay for 10 meals turns out he needs his wallet too. So he needs a jacket, and needs to find his wallet no big deal right? just start looking and buy him a jacket. ( To be clear my mom isn't always rude she does do nice things for us she's not the worst but she does yell at us often-ish) Nope more yelling and my brother still hasn't eaten because it almost done but still coking so we look for it a bit she drags him home to look and this practically causes a riot with my family ( I have a large family and all my aunts live with my grandma and grandpa just Incase something happens) everyone's yelling and then dinners ready my aunt texted my brother and Mom she checks to make sure that he got the text and my grandpa starts yelling at her because she didn't check if he found his wallet and then everybody's yelling again. Did I mention I hate yelling and loud noises in general.

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