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I don't have any emotions, like at all? Like there were some cases where I'm like omg is this a crush? Nope it's just kinda admiration? Like I found out who they liked and it didn't bother me, I tried to love them kinda but failed. Most of the time that I actually spent watching them I just kinda created a profile on them? Like oh they bite their nails, have a brother, on the soccer team, plays Fortnite (Why though? It's trash.) ect ( I swear I didn't stalk them they just talk about this a lot and I can remember what color shirt someone was wearing almost 5 months ago but not what I ate for dinner last night)Also in class we were doing a charity project ( We had raised money earlier that year) and I feel like I should've felt sentimental about all the animals, homeless peoples, less fortunate people ect. But I don't? Actually I was kinda scared because my friend did a charity about saving the earth and how we're all gonna die in 15 years... This also kinda results in me having absolutely no filter at all because it wouldn't bother me. Literally all I do is wonder "ok do I say this? Do I not?" It just kinda 50/50 that I make the right choice. I really only feel fear or sadness, if I do smile it last about a mili second because I don't really see the need to smile for long if someone told a joke like the joke's over so is my smile. Which I realize now is sad but it just kinda natural? Like look at it this way I'm a Squip that helps you make practical life decisions I can't help you be cool but I can help you not burn the house down.

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