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I'm gonna try to make very little authors notes so it doesn't distract you at the beginning of the story so I'll only do It if it's important!

-3rd pov-

She was running she didn't know where all she knew was she had to get away quick. legs burned from exhaustion, lungs screaming at her to stop, eyes stinging with fresh unshed tears.

Cuts littered her body running in the freezing cold snow, cheeks and nose bright red all she could see was the blanket of snow covering the forest ground.
All she wanted to do was have a nice day with her little imouto but it all went downhill when strange men wearing masks slammed through the doors. They took them all. she managed to slip by right before they could grab her and her imouto. Now here she is in her pajamas In the middle of the night with a toddler.

You could see the large puffs of air from how cold it was, feet bare covered in fresh cuts and bruises from the abusing ground the grip marks on her arms hurt. Tiny hands gripping her sister as if she might disappear.

Looking back she saw fire.
Oh god there was so much fire!
Eyes welling up, a choked sob filled the silence. Pulling her sister closer for dear life.

They were the only survivors.
They were Koru, and Kira...

(WELL? Anyway I'm gonna post more I'm working on the first chapter right now. But how do you like it? Feel free to comment any love interests.)

(Imouto-younger sibling)
(Aniki-older sibling)
(Nee is for older sister and nii is for older brother)

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