Chapter 1

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-We made it-

-3rd pov-

Koru, and Kira were walking aimlessly in the woods. Trying to find shelter. They were cold hungry and tired, they just wanted to go home and lay in bed but that wouldn't happen for a while now.
While they were walking Koru noticed the trees thinning out,
Picking up her little sister she ran trying to find anything but trees and snow. No matter how much she likes the snow she doesn't want to die in the middle of nowhere when she has a little sister to watch over.

That and she was starting to panic.
Running she made it to the edge of the woods to find a long road ahead there was a small town,
Hoping they could give them some directions she continued on even though she wanted nothing more then to sleep.
she had a child to watch and places to go.

~time skip~

Koru POV

Making it to the small town I set Kira down and grabbed her pudgy hand, walking around I noticed random stalls ranging from food to weapons. I'm the corner of the tiny plaza I found a map pinned to a large board containing other random pins.
Momentarily letting Kira's hand go I walking over and dragged my finger across trying to locate where in the world we are.
'We're currently in the land of fire...'
I deduced searching for where exactly we are in the land of fire. '...were in a non-shinobi village ゼロ-meaning zero' I thought, putting my index finger on my chin, diving deeper into my thoughts.
'So I'm in a small village in the land of fire, if we go to konohagakure we can inform them of our villages...passing? Attack? Yeah that sounds better. We should probably get going before mid-day and someone thinks we are just some lost kids- wait...'
Scrunching up my nose at my stupidity I grabbed my sister from under her arms and propped her up on my waist, I started walking toward the gates.

3rd POV

"Nee-Chan! Ne ne! Whew awe we going!?"
The young girl exclaimed in a sort of worried excitement.
"Konoha, it's safer there"
The eldest of the two said softly, trying to assure her imouto.

Walking on Koru then decided she would give anything to keep her imouto happy.

Ok that's done I'll do chapter 2 tomorrow let me know if you like it split into more chapters but shorter or less chapters and longer, if anyone reads my trash...thanks? Anyway it's currently 4:30am so goodnight! ❤️

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 15, 2019 ⏰

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