Chapter 3: The Call

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The beam of light from the sun woke me that morning. I glared at the sun and I turned away from it. I had hoped that in doing so, the sun would go away, it didn't. Lazily, I got up and shut the blackout shades my dad had bought for my 22nd birthday. I remember that birthday, my dad asked me what I wanted and I said more sleep. He ended up giving me: a Silk Hair scarf, a silk pillowcase, a silk nightgown, house slippers and blackout shades. Since my dad ran in accounting business that had been doing extremely well, he had been able to afford everything. My dad gave me anything I wanted, except for one thing. An explanation on why his 26 year old receptionist was living with us. I mean I get it, the title of a live-in receptionist is self-explanatory. But what kind of accounting business would require one? What kind of business in general would include a live-in receptionist? He shared with me about his hopes in giving her a bedroom by mine to make her feel more comfortable. But I can tell by the composure of his body that he wasn't telling me everything. I guess you could say my brain works in a really weird way. I think I must have picked it up when I lost my memory. Sort of like a brain spasm or something. I finally decided since my brain was up, I guess I had no hope for putting myself to sleep. I slowly stopped myself up, stretching and yawning the whole way. Because I was in an upright position, my shoulders slumped. I tiredly swiveled my body so my legs are draping over the side of the bed. I mustered the strength to actually stand up and I actually did it. Usually I got to that part then laid back down. Too bad it was too early to be anything other than tired. I noticed a small sketch on my nightstand. I read a message on it. It was Irina's drawing. I never knew what an amazing drawer she was. She drew the stranger based on what I told her, it looked awesome. What I did notice is that some details I hadn't told her of the stranger were also drawn. Strange. I narrowed my eyes at it, trying to convince myself that it was the sleepiness thinking. I was about to get dressed when I looked down at my pajamas and I realized since I didn't work today, I should be fine. As soon as I was about to get in my bed and relax, Irina popped her head in. I rolled my eyes. You have got to be kidding me.

"Whatever happened to knocking." I grumbled.

"Well yesterday you seemed a bit confused and frustrated that I knocked so I decided not to do that anymore." She said.

"What do you want?' I snapped. I was too tired for happiness.

"I want you to get up. I'm taking you to brunch."  What? Oh no. "Oh, and put some quality clothes on, please." I breathed out sharply at her. Wanting her to leave. "Well! Get to it." She left my room as quickly as she came. She interrupted my relaxing time, insulted my clothes, and told me she's taking me somewhere. So instead of complaining, I just did what she told me because something warned me that if I didn't, she would just get more annoying.  I showered, got dressed, and decided to look at myself one last time before going downstairs. I wore light wash denim overalls with a red, white, and yellow striped sweatshirt. I took my black and white Adidas and brought them downstairs. Irina took one look at me and wrinkled her nose. She scrunched her  perfectly plucked eyebrows together.

"Go change." She commanded. Her voice was soft and quiet, I could tell she was trying to restrain herself. But I could have cared less.


"Yes, you cannot look like that."

" Yes, I can." I could practically see the fumes feeling out her ears. So instead of hearing a lecture from someone who was only three years older than me, I grabbed my shoes and went to the passenger side door of the car to wait for her. She didn't come for a while, but when she did, she had a slight attitude. She didn't say anything when she came out, she just walked to the driver's side of the car, got in and slammed the car door. All I did was roll my eyes and get in the car. She refused to look at me or acknowledge me existence. I was a little taken aback.

"Irina? Do you need some time or should I leave?" I needed her to know I was not going tolerating her version of a tantrum. Her tight grip on the steering wheel loosened in her face slacked. She slowly turned to face me.

"I'm sorry, it's just I'm trying to take you to a nice place and I was excited." Irina? Excited?

I kind of felt bad for her. But I still wasn't going to change. I sighed.

"All right let's go." I said as I smiled at her. She smiled brightly at me.

"Okay." She open the sunroof and put the car in drive.

We pulled up to the restaurant and I gasped. It was beautiful. Just the window moldings of the place cost more than our house.

"Whoa." I looked at her and amazement. How did she find out about this place?

"Come on!" She chirped. She was already out of the car.

"Okay." I slowly got out of the car, awestruck by the restaurant palace.

When we got inside of it, a waiter came to take us to our booth. Irina must have made reservations. We got seated and ordered drinks. Irina ordered a Perrier and lime, and I got a strawberry/raspberry lemonade. The waiter put sugar on the rim of the glass cup. It seemed to taste better than the sugar regular people used. I looked at the menu and I realized there was no prices on it.

"Why is there no prices on this menu?" I looked up at Irina with an eyebrow raised.

"They base their price on the portion they give you." 

"Oh." I licked my lips. I didn't know how to ask the question that been on my mind since we got here. "Um, How are we going to pay for this?"

"Don't worry about it." She waved it off. Odd. A waiter came and told me I had a phone call at the front desk. When I got to the desk, no one was there but the phone was turned over on the glossed birch desk, waiting for me. I carefully put the phone to my ear.


The white noise of the phone turn into shuffling.

"Gracie?" My heart beat turned rapid. I swallowed nervously. 

"Um, my name is Julia." I stammered.

"No, it's not." Pause. Silence filled space. " Do you know who I am." He articulated each sound. Pausing between each word. The conversation brought me back to yesterday with the stranger. No. Stay focused.

"No." I sounded stronger than I was. I could hear his smile.

"That's okay, you will soon."

"What do you want with me?" I nearly cut him off and venom under-laced my tone.

"We want you to know the truth." If he was taken aback by my tone, I didn't hear it. "By the way, I like your overalls." My heart stopped beating and my breathing slowed. "We're glad you didn't change." He ended the call, but the message was clear. We are watching and tracking you. But who exactly was 'we'?

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