Chapter 15: What Was Taken From Me

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By the time I got discharged from the hospital, we had come up with a plan. Well at least Oliver and Irina had. They took me to their hideout. The whole way home they were going over the plans for murdering our father. But I still didn't understand why I had been forbidden to murder him. Irina stopped the car at a big house. Oliver came over to help me get out of the car. And when he did, I spoke to him.

"Why can't I kill him?" They both stopped what they were doing to look at me. "I'm just saying, why can't I avenge what he took from me?" They looked at each other.

"We have to show her?" Irina spoke to Oliver.

"Show me what?" I looked at both of them. They weren't even paying attention to me.

"No, she's not ready."

"Not ready for what?" Oliver finally acknowledged me.

"We just think that you're in no condition to kill anyone." Oliver assured me.

"Or maybe she's in the right condition to. Especially if she truly realizes what he took from her-" Oliver held his hand to silence her.


"But I can do it!" I exclaimed. Irina came over to me.

"I know you can and under the right circumstances you can break his heart before you do it."

"What are you talking about?" Irina gave Oliver a knowing look.

"We're showing her. I'm the oldest, what I say goes." She looked at Oliver and nodded. "She has to see."

Oliver sighed and nodded. "Fine." He helped me to the house and he brought me straight to an all white room. "Wait here." I nodded. A few minutes later, Oliver and Irina came into the room together bumping shoulders. Oliver looked to Irina. Irina took a deep breath.

"Dad took more from you than he did all of us. He took our mom, his duties as a father, your husband, he separated us, but he also took something else from you." She paused. "When Aaron died, he didn't finish his sentence. But we knew what he was going to say." She cut her eyes to look at Oliver. "Thank you for... our son." My breathing vanished.

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