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It was hot, Well duh. It's Kansas, but it's hotter than the usual temperature. And everyone noticed, Including Dean ( Who stayed home most of the time ) When Castiel would get up from their bed to get a drink of water, he'd notice that he was sweatier, even after the sex. Almost like someone soaked him in water then squeezed the water out of him. It was hot, and nobody liked it.

Castiel decided it was best if he stayed home, since if it was this hot inside, who knows how hot it is outside..

Dean was whining, it was super fucking hot. The conditioner was at the coldest it could get and they were only wearing their boxers around.

" Cass.. I want cuddles.. " Dean whined as he stretched out his bare hands to grab Castiel.

Castiel shook his head as he was sitting on the floor, Sweat dripping down his forehead. " No! It's too hot! Get away, You attract heat because you are so hot! "

Dean was confused, " Is that a compliment? " Before having to whine due to Castiel not answering but laying face down on the floor, getting the wooden floor wet with sweat.

Castiel was quite lucky actually, He didn't really have any body hair. Nobody really knows why, just that he's bare almost everywhere. It comes in handy when it's hot, but sucks when it's cold. Dean was getting up from his position on the floor when he realized, It was getting to a normal temperature in the house. He sighed with relief, grabbing Castiel and dragging him upstairs to get him and himself a shirt.

It was still kinda hot, but normal enough to put on a shirt, But Castiel was still refusing any cuddles from Dean. Claimed he was " Burning " and would be " Dying " if Dean had touched him with his hot ass arms. So, there they laid. On their cool memory-foam mattress.

When Castiel woke up, He was in Dean's arms. Tighter than a Boa Constrictor. Castiel was literally dripping with sweat when he woke up, Since their body heat would make an even hotter heat than from the house. He was gnawing on his bottom lip as he was trying to figure out how to escape his fiancée's arms. So, Like a little dog barking at the mailman, He started crying ( fake tears ) to wake Dean up. Dean woke up to the sound of Castiel crying, and grabbed tighter onto Castiel. " Oh Darn, This went the other way. " Castiel thought as he was in Dean's even tighter hold. " What's wrong Babe? " Dean questioned, worried. " Can you let go? " Castiel asked, deflecting his question to be let go. " Not until you answer my question. " Dean answered, making a " hmph. " noise after. Castiel didn't answer, he just groaned and tried to fall back asleep. Ignoring the pulsing heat.

Waking up, roughly two hours later, It was much more cooler than earlier. Dean's cuddles were bearable, yet.. No Dean? Castiel turned around, suspecting that Dean was next to him. He wasn't there. Just a note. " I went to the store to get a hell load of ice, i'm going to make a video of myself pouring ice into our bathtub and sitting in it. lol love you - Dean " Castiel groaned, He had cuddles earlier yet he declined and now that he wants cuddles, His Fiancé nowhere to be seen. Castiel muttered " Damn Karma. " and got up from their bed. Walking to the bathroom, noticed someone was obnoxiously quiet while trying to be enthusiastic as he could. Castiel opened the door, There was Dean. Sitting in ice, Castiel snorted then started dying with laughter. " What- the fuck.. " Castiel said as he pointed at Dean's goggles that were resting on his forehead. Dean just blushed a tomato red and shooed him away, Castiel left and went downstairs to find something to do instead of bothering the other Brunette.

Castiel was watching tv when Dean came down the stairs, in his trunks and wearing goggles. He was shivering and waddled to the couch trying to find warmth. Castiel smiled and hugged him.

684 words.

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