Smiles and Kisses

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Every morning, Before Castiel would wake up.. Dean would lay to watch Castiel's peaceful state. Enjoying the moments where Castiel would fall off the bed and not wake up or watch him move around, trying not to laugh at how uncomfortable he must be. Of course, It doesn't last long as Castiel's ( very long list of ) alarms would always wake the brunette up and into the no longer fantastical world he was once in.

Castiel's glossy eyes had opened, showing off his cerulean irises. A small smile on his face.. as always, the very last thing Dean saw before he drifted off to his wonderland of sleep. Yet always, when we wakes up. Castiel, is gone.

The once beautiful angel in his arms, disappeared. Like a modern-day Cinderella, or the sleeping beauty.

Dean got up from the rather large king-sized bed and ran first to the window, Staring out at the younger one. Castiel had just got into his car, yawning. Dean carcasses the window, it was weird to look at but it seemed normal in Dean's perspective.

Dean turned, facing a dog. A dog with a coat so bright, that it almost shined in the sunlight. It was Mary, Named after Dean's deceased mother. Mary sat, waiting for a pat or a praise from Dean. Dean pat her head, then kissed it. " Good girl. " Dean snickered, as Mary whined for food. " I guess i should go clean up. " Mary barked, waiting for an answer. " Then i'll give food. " Mary stuck her tongue out, content with the answer.

Dean walked over to the bathroom, which was conveniently right next to Dean's side of the bed.


Dean wiped his wet hair with a towel, walking towards the walk-in closet. Dean's side was just flannel coats, jeans, and different colored jackets. Dean had always giggled at the fact that Castiel's clothes were almost all the same, Trench coat and a suit. Dean took off the towel that was wrapped around his waist, grabbing a pair of underwear.


Dean walked out of the closet, meeting Mary at the door. " Hey Mary! " Dean smirked, petting Mary's soft fluff. Dean opened the door to their room and continued to walk down the stairs, Mary at his side.

Dean turned on the kitchen lights, and saw a ( still hot ) plate of breakfast on the island. The dirty blonde only smirked, Man did he love Cass right now.

Dean opened a new bag of dog food, and poured it into Mary's bowl. ( Also filling up her water bowl. ) He washed his hands and got ready to eat.


It was a few hours later, Dean had just finished up editing the video that he started yesterday. It was named, " Top Ten Pranks on Your Roommate. TTPOYR EP 3. " Which is the only, video series or videos that Castiel consented to be in. As it was the worst series of videos to be, since the first episode consisted of Dean placing bacon on Castiel's back which made Mary go insane and tackle Castiel down to the floor. Let's just say, The aftermath consisted of Dean sleeping on the couch and Mary being locked up in a kennel at night. ( Poor baby child, the doggo didn't do anything ) Anyways, Dean had been waiting for Castiel to arrive since he couldn't wait until he saw that he replaced his special bee underwear with a thong that said " That's Kansa's ass. "

God, Did Dean regret that. Castiel's expected reaction was him freaking out but Castiel instead, Slept in the guest room that night. Then, the next night.. then the next few weeks, Dean was now touch-starved and horny for a month and a half. Well, Horny for a Month. Castiel decided not to have sex with Dean after three weeks since he was " That Mad. "


At the end of the ignoring and everything, Castiel had forgiven Dean. Castiel was a little salty about it but Dean was just glad that Castiel would start talking to him again. As of what the title says, Yes. They did smile and kiss after this fiasco.


684 words.

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