Hey! Let's talk.

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Castiel sighed as he stared at Dean, the quarterback. Of anyone, he chose Dean to crush over. It was embarrassing for Castiel to admit he had a crush on a man, but much more embarrassed to admit that he was crushing over his best friend's brother. Castiel was in a bit of a doozy, his stricken love to someone who'd reject him so fast he'd never forget about it.

Oh, how he loved. How he loved someone he could never have.

Or... so he thought?

Castiel had walked up to Dean, a letter in hand. Dean looked over his shoulder, noticing the flustered teenager. "You alright, Castiel?" He'd chuckle, putting a hand to his forehead. Castiel's face would flush in all tones of red, "I- Read this please!" Castiel would shove a letter onto Dean's football jersey, then run off.

Dean was dazed, what just happened? Why was Castiel so unhinged? Many questions aroused in Dean's head, yet none of them did Dean ask. He looked at the letter, a red ribbon glued onto the opening. It was impeccably decorated with hues of red and pink when Dean opened the letter.

The letter read,

"Greetings Dean, this is going to be hard to write... and i'm sorry you had to read this mess- on the other hand i'm glad you are reading this. Because... i am exceedingly in love with you, ever since we met... i was bewildered by your kind words, good looks, and entertaining jokes. So, Dean. This is what people call a "love letter"? maybe, i'm not sure. All i want to say is, I love you.

- Your good friend,

Dean gaped, he was... surprised and a little happy. Dean always ignored the feelings he would get whenever he hung out with Castiel, was- was it really feelings of love? Dean wasn't sure, but he knew. Castiel and him would have a future with eachother.

Castiel clasped Dean's hand, "Do you remember the time i confessed to you... through a letter?" Dean would look over from his computer, smiling. "I would never forget, it was the day i realized... you were the one." Castiel would chuckle, playfully pushing Dean. "Oh stop that, you're making me tear up."
Chuckles would come out from both.

"I love you, you know that?" Dean would sigh, clasping Castiel's hand as they both laid on their bed, the sheets were hugging them and bringing them closer.

Castiel would place his forehead on Dean's, "I love you too." Castiel hugged Dean, holding onto him. "Don't you ever leave." Castiel would mutter into Dean's naked body.

"I'm not planning to."



I have been gone for a ton, i'm greatly sorry about it. 2020 is just me trying to put my new schedule together. i love you all.


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