How You Met...

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Luther: You met Luther because of his father. Reginald asked you to assist in training Luther for long-term living for the Moon "Mission." You had lived in the International Space Station helping NASA conduct research on the affects low-gravity living conditions had on the body, so you were more than capable of training his son. Spending day in and day out with Luther brought all kinds of space puns, inside jokes, and some hard to ignore feelings. He had confided in you about what his father did to him, and you shared your secrets too. Reginald took notice of the bond growing and moved the launch date up, it broke your heart to watch him leave, but Luther made sure that when he sent mission reports to his dad that he included little letters to you. Pogo may or may not have helped in ensuring those letters made it to you.

Diego: You met Diego because of a crime. You awoke one night to hear your front door downstairs creak open. You lived alone, no one else had a key, scared out of your mind you softly shut your door, dialing 911 as you cried. You whispered your address and that someone was in your house, they told you police would be there in five minutes. You could hear footsteps climbing the stairs and hid behind your door, you watched as the knob turned and someone entered your room. He rummaged through the stuff in your closet and dresser as you pressed yourself into the corner, he turned and you knew you'd been spotted. As he started to move towards you, you heard the whoosh of something flying through the air, the man fell to his knees mouth open, you could see the knife in his head as he fell. Beyond scared at this point, you peek around and see another guy in a mask, he offers you his hand and makes sure you're okay. Too afraid to be alone you asked if you could just hang around with him, he took pity on you and let you listen to the police radio with him. Maybe it was because he saved your life, but you definitely had feelings for the "Masked Man."

Allison: You met Allison while auditioning for a movie part. She was cast to be the main character, a superhero with mind control powers and you were cast her as quirky sidekick who could turn invisible. The directors wanted real chemistry between the two of you so that the movie would have a realer feel. You and Allison were always getting brunch and dinner together, going on shopping trips, being each other's date to red carpet events, the usual celebrity life. Of course you both grew close, having sleepovers, going clubbing, always tagging each other in pictures together, how could feelings not grow? When the movie hit theaters critics raved about the undeniable bond between the main characters and you both were nominated for "Best Duo," of course you won, sharing a longing glance and a hug that may have lasted a little too long. You definitely had some serious feelings for the star.

Klaus: You met Klaus, at a party, obviously. You weren't the biggest partier but you knew how to let loose, and your friends guilt tripped you into coming to this new club since you had declined their invations for weeks. You had pre-gamed while getting ready, you weren't drunk but you were a little tipsy. Walking in you immediately noticed a guy dancing without a care in the world, he was definitely wasted, probably on some drugs too. One of your friends slipped an ecstasy pill into your hand and winked at you, work and school had been stressing you out so you figured why not? You popped it and went to grab a drink, it kicked in about 15 minutes later and you were free. You barely remember walking up to the stranger and tapping his shoulder, pulling him to dance with you, but you couldn't erase his eyes or laugh from your memory. You danced with him for hours, you friends having found their own people to dance with no one was there to pull you away. When you started to come down you pulled him outside, he groggily followed you to a 24-hour diner and you bought him a donut and some water. You spent hours talking and finding out why he was so wasted. You could feel your heart tug and you knew you wanted to be in his life for a long time.

Five: You met Five on the street. It was a nice day outside and you were tired of being cooped up in your little apartment. You threw on some shorts, a cute but comfy t-shirt, and some tennis shoes, deciding a nice walk would be a great way to spend your time. You put your earbuds in shuffling your playlist, skipping through songs until you found a good walking song. You took in your surroundings, feeling the sun after days of rain. You heard some shouting, looking around confused you took out an earbud, finally hearing the lewd comments being made about your legs and body in general. You turned around to a group filled with people a little older than you, eyeing you like a piece of meat. You smiled and gave them the finger turning around to continue your walk, when you heard footsteps. The group had decided to follow you, now becoming angry and shouting threats. Suddenly a boy stepped out of nowhere, coming to walk beside you, he looked at you and turned around to face the group. "Hey assholes!" The sudden outburst caused you to stop and turn around, the boy smirked at you before walking up to the group. He moved so fast it was almost like he was disappearing in and out taking each person down in seconds. He walked to you and asked if you were okay, barely able to speak you nodded, he then turned on his heel and started to walk away. You grabbed his wrist, he turned to you quirking up an eyebrow, "Yes?" "Thank you, let me repay you." "No reward necessary, but thanks." "Please" He sighed and allowed you to take him to a cafe, paying for his coffee and your latte, you talked about the stars, questions with no answers, and answers with no known question. You knew this boy would leave an impact on your life and heart.

Ben: You met Ben at a book group. Ben being the book lover of his family just could never put them down, he was always ready to devour another good read and what better way than to join a book club? You having an affinity for reading since childhood knew a book club was your route to making friends and doing your favorite thing. The first meeting was an introduction to every member and what book you'd be reading for the next two weeks. You looked to see a cute black haired boy, nose already in the assigned book. You mustered up your courage to introduce yourself, he had to tear himself away to smile at you. You began discussing the book with him, what you hoped the ending would be, wondering how true the reviews were, and sharing other books you both had already read. You invited him to a quiet cafe to sit and read. Surprisingly he sat next to you occasionally touching your leg with his and sharing side glances. It was hard to concentrate when someone who you thought was unbelievably attractive and also a huge book nerd was sitting so close. Soon you tired of trying to pretend to concentrate on the book and turned to him, you began to ask him all kinds of crazy questions and he gave you even crazier answers. You knew this was the beginning of something amazing.

Vanya: You met Vanya at an instrument shop. You had been interested in learning to play an instrument and picked the violin because it's easily one of the most recognizable instruments and you thought it produced the most beautiful sound. You went to the shop trying to find a cheap but still good quality violin and hopefully a music teacher. You glanced over and saw a woman hanging flyers advertising lessons. It was almost like it was meant to be, you introduced yourself and asked if she knew which violin a beginner should get. She walked around with you helping you find the perfect instrument for you, you exchanged numbers and set up a few lessons. Some late night texts about funny violin facts may have been sent as a way to start a conversation and may have resulted in a special bond. It was easier to learn an instrument when you and your teacher were close. You and Vanya were always getting breakfast and coffee or going to concerts, you went to her shows always bringing her flowers and supporting her. She appreciated someone finding her special and you knew you wanted to be there for her forever.

a/n: i know these are a little long but i thought it'd be nice to have some cute backstories and i haven't written in a long time so yeah. I hope you all enjoyed, vote, comment, leave suggestions, ideas, criticisms, anything. thanks for reading

-j :)

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