First Date

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Luther: (a/n: this mission wasn't the mission from the show) Once Luther returned from space he made it his mission to see you first thing. He picked up the biggest bouquet of flowers he could find and sped to your house. He knocked on your door, letting out a nervous breath. The minute it took you to get to the door felt like an hour to him, when you finally opened it he was speechless. He hadn't seen you in a few months and you somehow managed to look as amazing as he remembered. You smiled and gave him a huge hug, and told him how much you missed him. You invited him in, already asking him a million questions about how it went, what he saw, what were the results, etc. "How about we talk and catch up over dinner?" You smiled, how could you say no to the person you'd been thinking about everyday since they left, "I'd love that." He took you to the nicest restaurant in town, you laughed and talked over wine and pasta. After dinner, you went on a nice little night walk in the park, they had recently strung up lights to give the park more appeal. It was truly beautiful, and you couldn't have been happier to share a moment like this with him.

Diego: Even though Diego has a rough exterior, he has to be one of the most romantic guys you've met. He planned a day out so you could spend the whole day enjoying the beautiful weather and each other's company. First breakfast, he brought some oatmeal and granola bars, confused but starving you ate. He made sure you dressed in comfy clothes for a hike, groaning you reluctantly went to put on tennis shoes, following him to the car. He parked in a little lot at the base of a state park, "There's some little cliffs covered in graffiti with a beautiful view at the top." Along the way you stopped at a clearing and a packed lunch consisting of ham and cheese sandwiches, some fruit, and a lot of water. After exploring the woods, you finally made it to the top, the sun was beginning to set, you sat on the rocks and leaned into each other, whispering little jokes just to hear the other laugh. That day will always be your favorite memory. 

Allison: Allison went all out for you! We're talking brunch at a place you need reservations for months in advance to get in to. Making sure everyone saw you walking in together and holding hands. After brunch you went to a beach, to enjoy the weather. She dragged you into the surprisingly warm water, splashing each other and having the time of your life. Watching her you couldn't believe you were so lucky. After drying off and cleaning up you both ended the day at a red carpet event. The stylists giving you the works, they made you both look fantastic. Enjoying the delicious dinner provided with your favorite person was a win in your book.

Klaus: Klaus just wanted a night in with you. Big blankets, lots of pillows, a million movies, snacks, and cuddling. He promised a drug and alcohol free day. You were so excited to spend the day with him, you picked out your favorite movies and rushed over. Putting in 'St. Elmo's Fire,' you laid you laid on propped up pillows, leaning into Klaus. He put an arm around you and picked each character apart. You giggled and smacked his chest whenever he would say something mean. After you finished watching about 3 movies, you decided it was time for a dance break. Playing 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody,' you grabbed his hands pulling him up. You sang and danced together until you couldn't breathe. Falling back onto the pillows, smiling to yourselves. It was the most fun you'd had in a while.

Five: Five decided to finally stop being a chicken and ask you on a date. He asked you to hangout and how could you say no to the boy who made you feel a stampede in your stomach by just looking at you. Sitting on his window sill, silently enjoying each other's company, he finally built up the nerve to ask you. "Would you maybe wanna go to the fair together? It's okay if you don't, I understand. Never mind, actually that was a dumb idea-" "Five! I would love to go to the fair with you." He smiled, "Then it's a date." After going home to change and both of you freshening up Five knocked on your door, as you swung it open you both blushed, admiring each other. He took your hand as you walked through the streets to the fair. It was beautiful, lights everywhere, people laughing, you were so excited. Five bought so many tickets you could probably ride all the rides 4 times if you wanted. He led you to the biggest rides, making sure to squeeze your hand before each drop. Finally at sunset he took you to the ferris wheel (cliche he knows) as you reached the time the sky lit up purple and pink, he held you tighter, everything was perfect.


Ben took you to a library. It was his favorite place to be, and you his new favorite person. He brought you there with a mission in mind. He asked you to find your favorite book and trade with him. He wanted to get to know you and what better way than to see what you liked to read about in your free time. Smiling you raced to grab 'The Girl Who Disappeared Twice' by Andrea Kane, who doesn't love a good murder mystery? Ben brought 'The Great Gatsby.' You spent hours at the library reading each other's books and sharing your thoughts. He was a little afraid you'd think he was boring but you thought it was sweet and swiftly kissed him on the cheek.


Vanya took you to dinner and a concert. All dinner she was trying to explain what the show would be like but she knew you'd have to experience it to get the full effect. She had managed to get seats close enough that you could see the musicians faces but not so close you'd have problems hearing after it was over. During the concert musicians played orchestral and rock music while a story was being told. It had an amazing light show that left you speechless. Holding hands you both enjoyed the show, buying shirts after it was over. You bought ice cream for you both as she talked about the amazing musical qualities and how she hoped to be that good one day. Smiling at her, you knew she was already a great musician but an even better date.

a/n: hey y'all hope you enjoyed! I have an imagine planned for tomorrow/sunday so stay tuned!

-j :)

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