Prom with Five

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a/n: five and you are 18 in this, this is also a female reader x five. after the apocalypse, five obviously has to grow up and probably go to school soooo... here's this

Five knew he wanted to take you to prom as soon as he saw how excited you were when they announced tickets were on sale, you had been friends forever both harboring secret crushes. You looked at him when he wasn't paying attention secretly hoping he'd ask you to prom, knowing this would never happen you just prepared yourself to go with a group of friends. Knowing it was now or never Five went to Griddy's and asked Agnes for a dozen Boston Cream donuts. She smiled as he asked her to frost "Prom?" on them, he thanked her and got to your door as fast as he could. He knocked and anxiously waited for you to answer. "Oh hey Five, what're you doing here?" "I, uh, I just have a question." You looked at him with a raised eyebrow, wondering why he couldn't have texted you. "Would you," he opened the box, "wanna go to prom with me?" "Yes! Oh my god yes of course!" You both blushed and smiled, sitting on your porch outside enjoying the donuts. You were so excited but there was one thing you didn't know, were you going as friends or as a couple?
You and your friends went to a million different shops trying on dresses and shoes until you each found something perfect. You settled on a wine colored dress with gold designs on the bust and gold heels to match the designs. You sent Five a picture of your dress so he would know what color to order his tie and vest when he went to rent his tux. He texted you back saying how gorgeous you looked, causing you to blush even though he couldn't see it. You picked out a hair style and makeup, now all you had to do was wait until the big day.
~lil time skip for y'all~
It was finally the day you'd been preparing for. Last night you'd done a bunch of face masks to make sure your skin was perfect. You woke up early, showered, shaved, and brushed your teeth before and after you ate. You drove over to the hair dresser and showed her what you wanted. She curled your hair and put half of it up, placing a gold hair clip on the back where you hair was tied off. You smiled at her telling her it was perfect and it was. You rushed over to the makeup stylist telling her you wanted to be glammed out. She chatted with you as she made you look even more beautiful than you already did. When she finished the last detail, the wine red lipstick she brought you to the mirror, you were honestly amazed. You thought you look stunning, you knew Five would be impressed. Finally getting back to your house to put on your dress and finishing touches, you waited for Five to arrive.
Five had spent the day picking up your corsage and his boutonnière, playing on his phone, and finally getting ready as you texted him you were on your way to your house to finish getting ready. His siblings insisted on accompanying him to where you both had planned to take pictures, he reluctantly let them, knowing if he didn't they'd do it anyway. He sent them the address of the place and was on his way to get you. He pulled in, getting out to knock on your door. When you opened it you were both speechless, blushing, and smiling from ear to ear. He took your hand twirling you around, "You look absolutely stunning Y/N." "You look incredibly handsome Five." He opened the car door for you and started toward the lake where you were taking pictures.
You had met the Hargreeves siblings before but had yet to encounter them all "awwing" and cooing at you and Five. You were a little uncomfortable with all the attention but happy to be there with Five. After what felt like hours of picture taking it was getting close to dinner time, Five finally was able to pull you away from his sisters and wave goodbye to his family. "Where are we eating?" "We're going to a nice little Italian restaurant," he smiled, it was his favorite place and they had the best pasta.
After dinner, it was finally time for prom, arriving 30 minutes after it started kept you from being weird and too early but not late enough that it wouldn't be fun. Seeing a bunch of your friends you rushed to them all exclaiming how beautiful each other looked. Five spoke his friends all bragging about how amazing their dates were, it was precious. The music was honestly pretty good, getting Five to do the 'Cha Cha Slide' and 'Cupid Shuffle' was not as hard as you thought it would be, even if he wasn't the best dancer. You had a great time, until they started playing a slow song. Unsure if Five would be comfortable with dancing to it, you stepped back and moved off to the side. Cocking an eyebrow up, Five grabbed your hand and pulled you toward him, wrapping his arms around your waist, you wrapping your arms around his neck. He smiled at you as you blushed at how close you were, "What're you thinking about?" You asked. "Nothing, why?" "I don't know, you looked super concentrated on something." He smiled, "Well actually I lied, I've been thinking about you. All day, everyday, you're always on my mind." You didn't even know what to say so you looked at him, he grabbed your face pulling you into a kiss. "So I guess that means we came as a couple huh?" "Babe, we've been a couple since I met you, you just never knew."
After prom, you, Five, and a group of mutual friends changed out of your clothes, leaving your makeup and hair intact, and headed toward an entertainment center. It had bowling, escape rooms, and an arcade. Your group had decided on an escape room, you and Five being geniuses solved it and everyone cheered. Then you decided to play a few arcade games, Five won you a stuffed bear, and then you decided you needed some food before you starved to death. Five and you went to one of the only fast food places still open, and got a bunch of food, eating on the way back to your house and getting sleepier by the second. He dropped you off and you walked you to the door. He wrapped you in a hug and kissed you goodnight. "Goodnight girlfriend." "Goodnight boyfriend." You had no doubts about your relationship or his feelings anymore.

a/n: this is a little long but my prom was yesterday so i figured why not. i hope you enjoyed. vote, comment, and send requests!
-j :)

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