24/04/2019 - Xavier

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The tired groan of metal doors awoke Xavier from his slumber.
His eyes fluttered open, a dull sense of curiosity throbbing in his chest. The creak of the door was a familiar sound for him, though he was never sure when he had first heard her comforting moans and groans. He sniffed the air, the rusty smell of iron and dust tickling his nose.

He stumbled backward, feeling his nose in awe for a moment, a whisper rising from his throat. "Oh, my dear, you've blessed me." His eyes rolled into the back of his head as he savored the smell until it dulled. He pulled his nostrils up and clawed at the air with his free hand, but to no avail. Her glorious aroma had vanished once again.

He pulled his hand away from his nostrils and skipped to the center of the room to admire her beauty. All around him, her walls glistened. Her concrete shimmered and bubbling with quick bursts of silver and red particles. He made a habit of counting them whenever he could. She had exactly three million more red particles than any other color. Xavier recalled the instance he quipped to a Watcher that she shared his fashion taste, but like always, had been ignored. It was no matter, the Watchers were always like the others trapped in the facility. Always so unappreciative, so ungrateful of the blessing they received by being brought to her, just as he had been so many, many years ago.

He hastily pressed himself against her walls, trying to hold as much of her as he could. Oh, how he loved to hold her in his feeble, unworthy arms. He opened his mouth, rolling his tongue around to feel his teeth. Xavier often forgot his humble beginnings, he was once an ungrateful and sniveling welp like the rest of them, yet she opened his eyes to the power of her love.

The facility was often revered for her "miraculous" ability to reform almost any being who had allowed darkness to corrupt their heart. Xavier's blood boiled at the very thought of it. Such doubtful words towards his beloved facility. Of course, she'd be able to fix such putrid flies like the ones that were brought to her, she never failed. Even suggesting that she was possible of failure...

He clawed at her gorgeous walls until his fingernails cracked. Blood dripped down from his fingers onto her. A smile tugged at his face. Oh, how beautiful her halls would look in red. He drooled at the thought of it.

He held his hand out and caressed her wall, a chill running along his legs and up to his spine as he felt the cool "imperfections" in her wall. Her walls cooled his broken fingertips, a giggle escaping his lips. How invigorating his little room was, his little part of her that was just for him. He pressed his mouth against her walls and whispered.

He was almost certain that for as long as there had been stars, he had been trapped inside her. He recalled screaming of past failures and glory, just as the others had, yet every detail of who he once was had been replaced with his beloved facility.

The angry screams from outside wrenched him out of his thoughts. His mouth felt sour as their barbaric insults echoed through his room. Softly, he ran his hands along her wall and scooted to her doors, which were wonderfully thick and barred. Without another thought, he walked his fingers to a large red button in the corner of her doors. Gently, he tickled and pressed her button, the iron doors opening with a loud groan.

His expression fell as he laid his eyes on the source of the commotion. They were never grateful, only screaming of themselves, of their own twisted glory and motive. What would it take to soften their hearts? To make them feel the same ecstasy that he felt? Frustration wriggled in his belly like a parasite, how hard was it to appreciate the gift that they had been given? Did they not see the honor that had been bestowed upon them?

A smile cracked along his face and he silently pressed his fingers together, taking long strides towards the rage-filled brutes who had just arrived. Without a word, he placed his hands on their shoulders. All they needed was a little time out with the Watchers, then perhaps they would be filled with the same ecstasy as him.

He would try over and over again, no matter how long it took, they deserved to view her in the same light as him. They were required to.

With a warm smile on his face, he pulled the two newcomers into a hug, crushing their legs for good measure.

"Welcome my friends, to my beautiful facility!"

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