Blind Texts 2

1.9K 18 2

Pairing: Sebastian Stan x Reader

Word count: 3,229

Warnings: fluff

Summary: You never imagined it would be HIM at your door... What happens on this date... Does it go well? Who is right... you or Tom?

Half an hour til he said he would be there... You had texted him your address earlier that morning and he had texted back saying that his hotel was only 15 minutes from you, that made you more nervous, knowing he was that close to you now. You knew you liked this guy from how you two have talked over the past few weeks, how well you get along. You knew he liked you because he was still talking to you and he already knew what you looked like apparently, but you were still nervous. So nervous that you nearly jumped off the couch when you heard the knock on the door. You stand and slowly walk towards the door as you take a deep breath and let it out slow.

"Who is it?" you call out.

"B?" he laughs making you smile. Turning the handle, you open the door and see a man standing there you absolutely never expected.

Your eyes widened in shock before you look out the door for Tom and/or Harrison. "Whatcha doin?" he asks.

"Looking for Tom and Harrison," you tell him.

"Why's that?" he wonders.

"Because this..." you say as you motion between you and him "Either is them playing a joke on me or you are looking for them, because no way are you here for me," you laugh.

"Why wouldn't I be?" he asked, confused.

"Because... you're... you," you stammer.

"Yes," he laughs, "and you're Y/N. Who I've been talking to for the last few weeks."

"No... Impossible," you laugh as you shake your head.

"You want me to prove it to you?" he asks.

"Can you?" you challenge. He pulls out his phone and pulls up a contact, pressing the call button. A few seconds later, you phone begins to ring. You pick it up off the table beside the door and look to see if it was Harrison checking in, but it wasn't... the caller ID, in fact, said "B". You turned and looked at him in shock. "This can't be right," you said.

"Why not?" he asked.

"Because... everyone Tom sets me up with is horrible," you say quietly making him laugh.

"Well... not this time," he says with a wink. "You ready to go? Or do you need a minute?" You took another breath and let it out slow.

"No.... no, I'm good. We can go..." you tell him with a shy smile. "Just, when he said he worked with you, I never thought... you."

"Yea, I think that's why he said it that way," he laughed as you walked down the hallway with him. A thought popped in your head and you slapped his arm lightly. "Ow, what the fuck?"

"You said The Covenant was a terrible movie... you were freaking in it...," you said, remembering your first conversation with him. He bit his lip as you spoke to keep from laughing.

"Yea, but I couldn't say much about it. Might have given myself away," he half laughed. You shook your head at him as you made it to his car, well the car he was using while he was here. It was a short drive to the place he was taking you before he was parking the car and helping you out.

"Is this... your hotel?" you ask as you see him smile at you.

"Yea... is this okay?" he asks you as you walk towards the elevator in the parking deck.

Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now