Dizzy (Bucky)

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Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader

Word count: 2,894

Warnings: angst, fluff, mild cursing

Requested: No. This was for 's writing challenge where I had the prompt "Why is James spelled with "s"? Why is it plural? More than one Jame. How many James?" & 's writing challenge where I had the prompt "We'll figure this out. But first, let me take care of you." Prompts are in bold below

Summary: A former assassin now reformed, what do you do when your first double mission goes askew?

This wasn't your first mission. You had been on plenty of missions in your past, both before and now with the Avengers. Your missions before you met the Avengers were more dark and sinister than your current quests. There's not a day that goes by that you're not thankful for Wanda saving you during your last "dark" mission. You were about to fail your mission when you realized what had happened. You'd been sent to assassinate some small country's King, but they had been tipped off and were well prepared for you. Turns out one of the men in your company was one of their spies. She found you lying in a curled up ball in a cell under the main floor of the castle. They'd beaten and tortured you after you'd been captured. You felt a hand on your shoulder and flinched at the touch, thinking they were coming back for more.

"It's okay. I'm not here to hurt you..." a female voice told you softly. You turned towards the voice to see a woman about the same size as you with red hair. "Can you tell me your name?" You look at the floor as you think before looking back up at her, holding back the tears. How could you not know your name. "It's okay... Do you know where we are?" You shake your head no. "Can you walk?" You nod your head slightly. "Come on. Let's get you out of here. We'll get you some help. My name is Wanda," she tells you as she helps you up and you walk out of the cell and up the stairs. You're still recovering random memories to this day and learning how to deal with those when they pop up, but if it wasn't for Wanda, you wouldn't have gotten out of that life, let alone be alive. You felt like you would have died in that castle. It took you awhile to start warming up to everyone at the tower, aside from Wanda. Things had been getting rough for you at night lately, having nightmares about your past. You thought about one particularly rough night, you walked to the kitchen and made a cup of hot tea to help you relax. You nearly jumped off the couch when you heard the deep voice behind you.

"How long have you been here?" you hear Bucky ask you. You slowly turn to face him.

"You scared the shit out of me," you state as you look at him wide eyed, making him laugh.

"You're supposed to be some badass assassin and you didn't hear me coming?" he asked you with a raised eyebrow as he walked over to the counter and grabs an apple before sitting beside you on the couch. "You never answered my question," he says as he looks at you, waiting for your answer as he bites into his apple. You swallow as you watch as he bites and chews, trying to hide your nerves. You'd never been alone with anyone in the tower other than Wanda.

"U-uhm, about 20 minutes," you tell him as you watch him take another bite of the apple and chuckle at you, shaking his head.

"I meant here at the tower," he clarifies.

"Oh! Of course you did... Uh... about 3 months I think?" you tell him.

"And I've never ran into you in here?" he asks. You shrug your shoulders at him. That was the night you met Bucky Barnes, and you wouldn't soon forget it. Since then, you had become very close to one another. Both knowing the other had trouble sleeping, you moved your room closer to his so that it would be easier to help one another, or quicker to get to the other if they were having a nightmare. More often than not, you both ended up in the other's bed cuddled up to each other, sleeping peacefully. You were currently sitting at your post, waiting for your mark to make his presence known. It was your first solo mission with Bucky, and to say your nerves were on edge was an understatement. You could see the red light from his scope from where you were positioned, so you knew where he was, and everytime you heard his voice in your ear, it sent a shiver down your spine.You had been catching feelings for Bucky since that first night in the kitchen, but you were avoiding it as long as you could. Nothing good ever came from getting in these situations for you, so you would fight it as long as you could. You didn't want to lose Bucky as a friend. He was too important to you. Wanda was the only one that knew about your feelings, and that was only because she got in your head. She tried to talk you into telling him, but of course, you refused. You jump slightly when you hear Bucky in your ear again.

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