The Bachelor (Chris Evans)

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Pairing: Chris Evans x Reader

Word count: 2,973

Warnings: angst, fluff, mild cursing

Requested: No. This was for @Cametobuyplums's writing challenge where I had the French Word "Rabat Joie - Killjoy" & @Whiskey-cokenfanfic's writing challenge where I had the prompt "Why can't people have what they want?" & @The-hell-i-cant-im-a-captain's writing challenge where I had the Firefighter AU. I didn't take the "traditional" firefighter route and make it where he's fighting a fire or something, but he is still a firefighter. I hope this is ok.

Summary: You promised your best friend you would accompany her to the Bachelor/Bachelorette auction fundraiser for the local firehouse. What happens when she bids on someone for you but you don't know it? What happens when that person turns out to be your neighbor?

You had been dreading this day for two months... It was the night of the Bachelor/Bachelorette auction at the local firehouse. Your best friend was the receptionist there and you had agreed to go with her for moral support. She'd had a major crush on one of the firefighters for a while and tonight, she planned on acting on it. You on the other hand... you were happy just sitting in the corner minding your own business. Little did you know, she had her own plans for you. Just after you finished getting ready, there was a knock at your door letting you know she was there.

"Just a sec!" you call as you walk from your room to the door to open it.

"You look amazing!! You ready?" she asks excitedly.

"Yea, just gotta grab my bag," you tell her with a smile as you turned towards the table near the door, grabbing your bag before you made your way out the door. Once you were at the fundraiser, Y/F/N made sure to find a table for you about midway. You'd told her you didn't want to be too close to the front because these things made you nervous. You both spoke to a few people you knew before the event started and before you knew it, it was time to begin. The Fire Chief came out to the microphone on stage.

"We want to thank everyone for coming out tonight. We can't begin to thank you enough for all your love and support. This auction is just another way of us trying to give back to our community. When you win an auction tonight, you will get one day with said person. It's up to you and that person what you do with that day. Again, thank you all for coming out tonight, and we hope you have a great time tonight," the Chief said as he explained everything. One by one, men and women came out and were auctioned off to the highest bidder. The next man came out and you heard your friend take in a breath, making you turn your head to her. She was smiling as she turned to look at you.

"That's him," she whispered. You smiled and nodded at her as you motioned for her to bid. She turned her attention back to the stage and joined in on the bidding. After few more bids from each side, your friend won the auction and was so excited she had tears in her eyes.

"Good for you," you tell her with a smile. "Can I leave now?" you joke as she shoots you a glare.

"Of course not," she laughs. "We have to stay until the end. I want to see who gets who." You roll your eyes at her as you laugh.

"Well, I'm gonna go get something to drink then," you tell her as you stand. She nods her head as you walk away. While you are walking away, you hear your neighbor's name and turn your head to see him walk on stage before continuing your way to the bar. This is the same neighbor that helped you get back into your apartment when you locked your keys inside. The same neighbor that caught you in the laundry room in a t-shirt and underwear because 'who else would be doing laundry after midnight?' The same neighbor that your friend knew you had a crush on but you refused to admit it because you were terrified of relationships. Standing at the bar, you ordered the strongest drink you thought you could handle, threw it back and ordered another before you turned around to watch the stage. You didn't see who won the auction on your neighbor but you noticed that your friend was now joined by the guy that she had bid on. You smiled at seeing her so happy. It had been a while since you had seen her truly happy, a genuine smile on her face. Suddenly you see her turn to look at you, sending you a wink and a smile. You furrow your eyebrows in confusion until you hear a glass being set down behind you and a voice.

Sebastian Stan/Chris Evans ImaginesHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin