Part 3

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A/N: Sorry about the long wait guys! My computer was crapping out on me and I just had major surgery on the 4/15/19 but my computer seems to be running better and I am recovering nicely!

Rummaging through his locker for a pencil, Kevin tossed a line for some confidence to the dork standing next to him. "I feel ready but I know as soon as I see that test, I'm gonna forget everything" he groaned.

Edd's mood had changed substantially during the last few weeks and he looks over at Kevin with a grin. "Nonsense! I've prepared you for this and I know you can do it! If you get a B or higher, I'll even make you dinner or something" he smiles, knowing how much the ginger loved his food.

"I should be trying to get a good grade to stay in my captain position but I'm honestly more excited about the food now" Kevin grinned.

Edd laughs "I'll cook anything you'd like, I'll even throw in dessert of your choice." He had grown fond and even began trusting the ginger more and more through their time together and his wounds were healing, mentally and physically. Everything seemed to be looking up for him and he was determined to try to enjoy it while it lasted.

Before Kevin could answer, a bluenette rested beside the wall next to Edd. "Hey, Edd! Ready to go to Algebra?" she asked sweetly. Having grown apart from Lee and her influence, Marie had toned down a lot and had eventually become a friend to Edd.

"Yes! I'll see you after school, Kevin, and don't worry! You will do excellent" he says confidently as Marie links her arm in his. Thanks for Kevin's friendship, Edd had gotten more confident and had grown closer to her. Even still, she knew something not even the red head knew and it was only because she came to him with her 'problem' first.

"How are things going with trying to get Nazz to notice you?" Edd asks with a small smirk.

"Nothing new to report but I did get to walk her to school today though."

"Well, that's a little progress!" Edd points out, trying to be optimistic as Kevin suggested.

"What about you? Have you thought about pursuing him?"

"Wh-who? Kevin?" Edd whispers biting his lip, looking around to see if anyone could hear.

"Yeah! He's a hot piece of ass anyone would have the honor to be on his arm! If I weren't gay..." Marie trailed off.

"P-please Marie... he isn't the way you and I are a-and..." he shakes his head trailing off. "I just don't want to lose him as a friend. One of the last few I have" he says and blushing. He had to admit she was right, the ginger was very attractive and he had had the pleasure of seeing him completely nude for the briefest of moments. Which was another thing he confided in Marie about and hoped she would keep that to their private moments together.

"Just curious, does Kevin compensate for it?" Or not...

"No... no, he does not" Edd says blushing bright red at the memory that refused to stay buried in the back of his mind.

"Hah! May owes me $20!" Marie laughs, texting her sister with an evil grin.

Edd groans and shakes his head, trying to get the image in the back of his mind so he had the chance at listening to the lecture today. "Oh god" he groans.

Just as they got to their class room, Marie pulls Edd to the side with a smirk. "Come on, hot stuff. You gotta wanna try it!"

Edd furrows his brow "No, Marie!" he scolds. "Absolutely not, what if he rejects me or worse yet, what if I lose him as a friend entirely?!" he hisses quietly. "He doesn't even know I'm... you know..." he whispers, not wanting to say it out loud.

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