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"Jack... I'll never let go Jack..."


You look over to Cassie, handing her another tissue as tears keep rolling down her pink puffy cheeks.

"Bu- but they don't deserve this..." she sobs, staring at Leo's perfect face on the screen. You subtly eye-roll at her statement.

Is this really why you traveled all the way to Spain for? To stay inside and watch teenage movies all night long in a crappy room in a hell hole of a hotel? Instead of going out, meeting new people, new places, having fun...

You met this girl Cassie on a school trip a few months back and you agreed to go on a trip together when summer comes, because she really seemed cool back then.

Little did you know Cassie was a total buzz-kill who'd never want to go enjoy the outside, she'd only drool over boys she could never see, let alone have in her life. She's a good person, but your vision of this trip was so different.

You hear her cries as she shoves yet another handful of popcorn down her throat. As the scene gets quieter and quieter, your heads both turn to the open window of the balcony, hearing the loud, high-pitched laughs coming from the room next to your's.

Your room was close to the reception, right at the beginning of the hallway, just before the room of a group of seven boys, particularly loud and energetic boys, which bothered Cass a lot.Their music is always turned up, they're always laughing, doing something, always some action, going out or bringing other people to the room etc.

"Tsk..." you hear your friend say in disapproval as she sends an angry glance at the balcony.

"Could you go close it please? My hands are full." she asks lifting her hands, holding a bowl of popcorn in one, and a box of tissues in the other.

"Sure" you say, already getting up as you anticipated the question.

You walk onto the tiny balcony, feeling and appreciating the cold of the marble under your bare feet in this hot night.

You take a second to appreciate the comforting light of the moon, as you stare at it's infinite brightness, it's mesmerizing curves and the beauty of it's full state that you had been admiring since your youngest age.

Your eyes wander off into the dark shade of blue in the sky, deeper than anything you'd ever seen, and decorated by hundreds of bright twinkling stars, only a few you could recognize, all of that adding to the charm of this beautiful summer night, made for adventures, a night holding endless possibilities, a night-

Your daydreaming is broken by the sound of a glass bottle being popped open, you look to your right to see one of your neighbors holding three bottles of beer, opening them one by one.

His hair is jet black and messy, it looks like he's been either sleeping or partying for the past 12 hours, it looks really good on him though. Then you notice several frizzed strands, such a small detail, so weird, it's like he puts in effort to make it look messy, but yet it looks so cute. Several of the strands are gently moving, their movements shaped by the sweet warm wind of the night. 

He finally notices you, standing there, with nothing but an over-sized shirt that you use as a pajama.

He looks up at you without stopping his action, and just smiles. He has a very genuine smile, his lips curving only to the left side of his face, and his deep sparkling eyes getting even more brighter as they do.

You gather up the courage to say what's on your mind, something you don't do very often.

"You probably get this a lot, but that's really some crazy hairstyle." you say, smiling back but still staring at the top of his head.

You hear a light chuckle from him "Thanks, can't compare to your's though" he says with a mischievous smile, lightly exposing his white teeth and grabbing the bottle caps from the floor, before getting back inside to his friends.

Confused, you turn to see your reflection on the window, your hair is a total mess, an excuse of a bun, looking more like a ball of tangles resting on your head, uneven wavy strands coming out from everywhere.

Well that's embarrassing.

As you accept the bitch-slap of reality, you sigh, closing the balcony door and lying back next to your friend who hasn't even noticed that you had been gone for more than a few minutes now.

Your first thought was that that guy was rude, but yet you didn't feel offended, the way he said that wasn't mean, it was just a playful tease, as if you had been friends for a long time. He wasn't laughing at you, he was laughing with you.

You let a light chuckle escape your lips .

He's kinda cool.


This is only the first part of a story I'd like to make long and enjoyable.

It's a little shorter than the other chapters, just a little intro ;)

Add for mooore (very soon) ~


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