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"What? We can't just leave" you say, catching up with him.

"Can't we?" he says, checking his phone while walking to the exit door.

"I can't go out, i'm not dressed appropriately."

He stops and turns towards you, staring you up and down as he walks closer to you, it seems more as if he's checking you out than checking your outfit, which makes you uncomfortable. However, this changes in a split second when he looks back up at you and smiles "You look good Princess, but i'll buy you some clothes on the way if it's that big of a deal".

He says stuff like a narcissistic egotistical sugar daddy, but he says it all in such an innocent and harmless way which makes it feel okay.

You're usually good at figuring people out from the start, but this guy's a total mystery.

You pick up to his pace.

"Am I seriously about to follow a stranger into the night of a city i'm unfamiliar with? I don't even know his name... He seems cool though... No, he doesn't seem cool, he is cool, but is he nice? And would he be willing to protect me if anything happens?"

All these thoughts are racing through your head as you're staring at the back of the unfamiliar and strange but yet very attractive man in front of you.

He's wearing a simple white shirt, some ripped black jeans and black boots, such a simple style, but he wears it so well.

You're outside now, so close to the city center, in nothing but a shirt, with poorly blow-dried hair. And you're following a stranger.

What the hell am i doing? Just as you're about to speak up and stop him, you start thinking. Thinking about what this trip meant for you, it meant stepping out of your comfort zone, experimenting and going with the flow. Maybe this is it, maybe this is your chance to finally get out there, maybe if you miss it, it'll never come back. You'll just go back to your boring old room, with Cassie, and continue comforting her through her celebrity crushes.

No. You're going with him. From tonight, you're going to start living, to the fullest.

You look up at the man in front of you, he looks once again at your outfit, his eyes light up as if he gets to a realization "I know what you need."

And he starts walking. You pick up your pace to match to his. "So, where are we going?" you ask. "We're gonna go get you some clothes Y/N. Or you can stay like that, not that it bothers me."


How the hell does he know your name?

He notices your sudden stress and rolls his eyes with a chuckle "Relax, I overheard you talking to your roomie" he says.




"So, Y/N, what brings you to Spain?" he asks, seeming genuinely interested.

"Oh I guess it's kind of an experiment for me, it's like a start to a new me."

Should you tell him more?


...Fuck it, "I want to step out of my comfort zone and do something unexpected... something, with an adrenaline trigger, i want to do something exciting... so I came here to maybe find some of that, Spain is fun right?"

'Ugh i said too much, i probably sound like a total idiot right now, why would he care about why i'm here, he just asked that to be polite right?' you think, regretting how open you were from the start.

He lifts a single eyebrow as his smirk gets wider and wider.

To break whatever thought he's having, you ask "So what's your name?"

After an awkward moment of silence, you start to think he didn't hear you as he keeps that thoughtful look, but thankfully he speaks up "Oh I'm Jungkook." He says as you enter the shop.


"Thanks, these are great" you say to Jungkook, you leave the shop satisfied with some black, skin-tight leather leggings and black boots, similar to his. "I'll pay you back once we're back at the hotel."

"No need, it's dirty money anyways" he says, provoking a sudden stop from you. "Chiiil, i'm just messing around" he laughs, satisfied with your reaction.

After some time passes, you get more and more comfortable with him, you guys go out for some food, the streets are almost empty. This guy is a tease, but he's super funny and nice, although neither of you are very talkative. It-s not about shyness, it just seems like he likes to keep some of his thoughts to himself, just like you. But the expected moments of silence aren't uncomfortable. On the contrary, they carry some type of peace and calmness with them, a feeling of safety and understanding.

But even though you're really having fun with him, you can't help but notice what a pro he is at avoiding questions about himself on purpose, this time more than just because of a personality trait. All you know about him for now is that his name is Jungkook and that he's not from here (which you concluded yourself, since he's in a hotel).

You don't want to seem pushy, but it feels like you're the only one being interrogated.

When you look at the time on a huge billboard, it's already past 3:30AM.

You and Jungkook walk past a club, and of course he proposes to crash the party (through the back door of course), at this point, you feel like you're already dreaming, all of the hesitation is lost when you're with him, you follow his confident steps inside.

Once you're in, you can feel the vibrations of the music in your entire body, all the way from your ears, to your head, to your heart and your limbs, all the way down to the tips of your toes.

All you see in front of yourself are flashing lights and a messy-haired party animal, already handing you a drink.

You laugh at him slightly before you both one-shot the drink who's nature you're unsure of.






You're lost, the night feels endless and you feel reborn, all you know are the lights around you, you're eyes barely able to catch up to the beauty of the man dancing in front of you. Your knees are weak, as is you're entire body, but you're smiling, you feel so good, so happy, all you know is this moment, right here and right now. All your worries vanish as you grab onto the neck of the handsome man in front of you.

You catch glimpses of his face through the flashes of the lights, a wide smile shaping it. His hair is wet at the edges, his forehead shining of droplets of sweat, his energetic dancing makes your hands slide down to grab onto his shirt. His tan complexion and his body is almost completely visible underneath his now see-through white shirt. The complex structure of his jawline becoming more apparent as he throws his head back, he's feeling this moment with you, every single second of it. His eyes locking with yours as he gets closer to your body, you're both here, in the midst of all these people, but somehow, alone, just the two of you. Right here.


:) ;)


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