Chapter 8: Dawn's Past

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Chapter Eight: Dawn's Past

 "My father left us when I was nine years old...My mum got over it pretty quickly, by latching onto the next guy that came along. Being the fucking whore that she is..." I began the story, but he interrupted me, "Don't talk about your parents that way..." he said quietly, and then gestured for me to continue. 

 "Anyways. My mum re-married this guy, Nick, and then his two twin daughters came to live with us. And by us, I mean my mother, my two sisters, my brother, and my half brother. When my step daughters, Sam and Sarah came to live with us, everything turned to shit. They were both two years older than me, and they tormented the shit out of me. They just loved burning me with their curling iron... My two real sisters, Medley and Denise, were both in a spiraling depression already.-

 Ya see, I'm the youngest of eight, so all my siblings went through shit before me... My sisters were going through depression, my brothers began doing every drug known to man and drinking more than they could handle, and Nick started abusing my mother like I could have never imagined... Then when my brothers finally reached the appropriate age, they both moved out, leaving just Medley, Denise, Sam, Sarah, and I. Denise and Medley were still in depression, being 16 and 17, and Sam and Sarah were still bitches, both being 17. Leaving me to be the youngest still, being 15...-

 A month into my sophomore year... I was asleep, when I heard Medley say something to me... 'I'm sorry Aurore... I can't stay with this family anymore... Don't give up like I am...', and then I opened my eyes, and she was gone. She wasn't there. So I got up, and started walking over to her room. When I finally reached it, I realized what was happening. I opened the door, and I... She... She was hanging from the fucking ceiling..." 

 I finally broke. I hadn't cried or ever told anyone about Medley, but I broke. I began bawling and couldn't handle it anymore. I nestled my face against Johnny's neck, trying to stop crying, but to no avail. He said nothing, so I continued with the story, my voice breaking while I spoke. 

 "So... Um.. After that.. I went into a depression of my own... Medley was the sister I was closest with... I loved her. She was my be-best friend... Anyway.. um... After that, I started self harming much more than I had before. And I suppose my mother had enough of everything as well, because she finally tired to fight back to Nick.. One day, I heard her shouting back at him, which was rare. She never fought back. So I walked into their room, peering through the door, avoiding being seen and smacked by Nick like I always was. What I saw was the thing that made me snap and become the horrible bitch that I am... 

 My mum went to push Nick against a wall, but he grabbed her arm and swung her into the door, causing it to break and all the rubble fell on her... When we rushed her to the hospital, it was basically to late... Her rib got smashed by one of the door frames and it punctured her lung..."

 Johnny interrupted me again. "Oh Dawn... Don't tell me you lost your sister AND your mother... Dawn I'm so sorry..." he said with pity, wiping tears from my own cheeks with his sleeves. But I wasn't done. 

 "I'm not done..." I informed him, and he shut up. But before he did, he grabbed a two cigarettes, handed one to me, and lit them both, exhaling the smoke through his nose, causing it to surround my head. I inhaled, and all his remaining smoke filled my lungs. Thats was a complete accidental shotgun. 

 Finally, I continued, taking hits off my cigarette in between words. "Yes... I lost my mother... And my brothers were in France with our dad, which I couldn't afford to do, so I was stuck with my fake dad, who was also my godfather, my step sisters, and Denise. But Denise was a month away from moving out... So after a month, it was only the twins, Nick, and I... It was Hell.. Until I started dating and got engaged to Aaron when I was sixteen.. We were together and best friends up until I was about to turn seventeen... Thats when his father was beating him worse than ever.. And one day when I was with him in Texas, his father began beating him again. And I suppose Aaron had had enough too... His depression and suicidal thoughts got the best of him. And he jumped off his balcony... Leaving me alone to drown in depression...  

 When I finally turned seventeen, Nick had enough of me... I was on the phone with my dad and brother.. But my half brother... He wasn't there... And when I asked why.. They told me that he had been um... He had been in a car wreck not long ago. His friend was drunk, and they were driving in a car with him... It was a quick death, but not for those of  us left to mourn him..." I stopped. I could hardly continue. I had absolutely never told anyone anything about my life after Medley's death. 

 "When did Nick kick you out?.." Johnny asked quietly, before holding me closer as more tears swelled in my eyes. 

 "First, two weeks before my seventeenth birthday, I tried to commit suicide. But to no avail... I even failed at dying." I said, but Johnny cut me off once again, I could feel his biceps tightening around me, pulling me closer yet again. "And I'm glad you did." he said quietly, before I nuzzled my head against his chest again. 

 "Anyways... After that, Nick decided to ship me off to a mental asylum... Thats where I spent my seventeenth birthday... And When they released me, Nick told me not to come back to his home. Even though it was my home first... So aside from going back there.. I just spent the rest of my years living on the streets. To this day, I don't know where Denise is, and I haven't called my father and brother in over three months... My mother is dead, my sister is dead, my brother is dead, and my only true love is dead. I have no one." I finished, trying to prevent my tears from falling. 

 "You have me." Johnny said quietly. 

 "But I don't. You're not family. I hardly know you." I informed him. 

 "I am now." he retaliated, planting a light kiss on my forehead and then leaning back against the couch, still holding me. 

Author's Note:    Sorry for the slightly boring chapter, but this is just so y'all can get to know Dawn a bit better and really start to build the character in your own mind. I know y'all probably don't care, but I do. :) Love y'all! ---Hazel

Cold, Hungry, and Torn     (Feat. Johnny Depp)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя