Chapter 6: Terror and New Love

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Chapter Six: Terror and New Love 

 Its just about 2:30AM now and I can feel my eyes trying to force themselves closed. I’ve been in Johnny’s house for about two hours, in this amazing bed that I’d never even dream of sleeping in, and the amazing warmth of the heater. Only problem: I still can’t sleep. 

 I lay awake, staring at the dark blue ceiling, trying to force myself into peaceful dreams. Peaceful dreams that I hadn’t had in five years. Ever since I turned fifteen, I’d had nightmares every night. Not normal nightmares though. Night terrors. Like, wake up screaming in the middle of an alleyway kinda night terrors. I prayed to God I wouldn’t have them tonight. Finally, after trying my hardest to fall into a peaceful sleep, I half-way succeeded. 


 “I’m sorry Aurore... I can’t stay with this family anymore... Don’t give up like I am.” I could hear my sisters voice somewhere around me. Everything was black. I could feel myself standing but I couldn’t see my body. I didn’t know what was happening. 

 “Medley?!” I shouted out into the void, still trying to see through the darkness.

Suddenly, I heard a loud screaming, and began to run towards it, following the voice. “Medley!!” I shouted again, searching for some form of light. 

Suddenly, there was more light then I’d ever seen before, but only in one spot. Only one spotlight of light. I walked over to it, standing directly under the beam. I looked down and realized that I wasn’t myself. Well, I was, but not the me that I am now. I was younger. No boobs, short legs, and hair falling all the way down to my hips. I was a middle schooler again.All of a sudden, I knew what was about to happen. 

 “No!” I shouted, shaking my head and crying hysterically. I tried to cover my eyes but my hands wouldn’t move. I tried to go shut my eyes but they refused to close. 

 A body fell down in front of me. A rope attached to her neck, and her arms and legs bleeding like I’d never seen blood before. I tried not to look at her face, but my head was forcefully turned to stare at her. My own sister, Medley, bloody, cold, and dead. I tried to move and run, but I was frozen to the spot. I started screaming and crying harder than I ever had. 

 **End Of Dream**

 “Dawn!” I heard someone shouting for me. I could feel sweat and tears on my face, and my head felt like I had been kicked by a horse. I quickly snapped my eyes open and sprung up out of the bed so that I was sitting up. I was still crying hysterically. 

 I felt someone grab my shoulders and pull me close to their chest. When my head cleared a bit more, I remembered where I was. I pushed away from Johnny who was embracing me the way a mother does when her children have a nightmare. 

 Every part of me was shaking, and I looked up at Johnny, his face blurred by the tears in my eyes. “H-How did you know I was crying?” I asked quietly between sobs. He looked at me with pity. “Dawn.. You started screaming. I don’t know what you were dreaming about, but I can’t imagine what it could be to make you freak out so much... You woke me up when you started shouting. You scared me half to death.” He explained as he used his hand to wipe some of the tears from my face. 

 “I’m sorry... I’m so weak..-” I began, but Johnny cut in by grabbing me around the waist and pulling me into a hug like I’d never had before. I felt safe and protected. “People cry not because they’re weak, but because they’ve been strong for to long.” Johnny said as he stroked my hair and I laid my head against his bare chest. I’d never been comforted after a night terror, and I was surprised at myself that I was letting him hold me like this. 

 He didn’t say another word the whole time he held me. He didn’t ask about the dream, tell me he was tired and he wanted to go to bed, or say anything about how much i was shaking. He just comforted me for what felt almost like an hour. 

 Finally, he let me go when I stopped crying and shaking, and stood up off the bed. I figured he was going to leave and go to his room, but he didn’t.. He came and sat right next to me on the bed and shoved his legs under the covers. 

 “Wha-..” I began, before he grabbed my shoulder gently and pushed me down so I was laying on my back. “I’m not leaving you tonight. Not after that. You scared me to death, and I’m going to be right here to comfort you if it happens again.” He explain. 

 I turned to my side so that I was facing away from him. I was embarrassed and didn’t want him to look at me. Before I knew what was happening, he laid down behind me, turned to his side so he was facing my back, and wrapped his arm around my waist, pulling me close. ‘this is the way couples sit. I hardly know this guy’ I thought to myself. I could feel his skin around my scars, and his biceps against my slight arm muscles. 

 “You dont have to-” I started, but he cut me off again. 

 “I know I don’t have to. But I am.” 

 I fell asleep to the sound of his breathing and the feeling of his head nuzzled slightly against the back of my neck. For the first time in forever, I slept through the night. No knowing why I was here. 

((I don't care for this chapter to much I guess. It's just getting you familiar more with Dawn's backstory and kickstarting Johnny showing his feelings for her. But I didnt get any suggestions so its hard to write for y'all's likings! <3)) 

Cold, Hungry, and Torn     (Feat. Johnny Depp)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang