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I try my best to free myself from the falling world I've been drawn into.  What does this mean? Why am I seeing this? Of what importance is this other than to wreak havoc on my thinking faculties
I have no idea what just happened. I'm sweating profusely, the upper body of my jumpsuit looks like someone wrote my initials with a water gun. No kidding. I feel like an asphyxiation attempt has just been inflicted on my person, I feel muddled, confused and hurt by what my eyes have been made to see.  I glance at my clock that apparently glows in the dark. It's glowing a tense yet warm lilac. This house is full of surprises, but I'm not complaining. It's six in the morning, to my delight. I can go to school in a few moments and forget all about it.

I attempt to get down from my bed but I realise, to my chagrin, that I sleep on a futon.  It's a really bourgeois looking futon if you're laughing at me right now. I really have started overusing this word, it's lost it's meaning: it tastes sour in my mouth whenever I speak it.
But I love the way it sounds, the way I look sophisticated whenever I say it.  Bourgeois. So nice. 
Anyways, I take a short, daunting trip to my bathroom and do the stupidly cliche thing every white person in a horror movie does: I look at the mirror.  I don't know why, but my bathroom mirror is somewhat my retreat – I go there whenever I feel befuddled or threatened, and then I see my reflection and I'm reminded how amazing it is to be alive, considering the fact that my parents are dead.  Being with Jay for a day has made me so much more sophisticated and unnervingly blasé than I've ever been. It's a nice change. 

I place my hands on the sink, and the faucet opens. Unsurprised, due to the colossal technological advancements in this very room, I wash my face. I mutter words of reassurance to myself. I turn on the lights, and I take a few books from my backpack.  Studying is the only thing I can do to get my mind off the twisted Joseph-esque fantasy I've just witnessed, as I feel watching tv would just reiterate the vicious nonsense I've just seen and besides, I've been ignoring my studies the entire night — if I'm ever going to study, I might as well study now.

I tell myself that I'm going to study the first two books I take out, and I regret agreeing to that within my subconscious. 
Grade 2 chemistry.

And the second book, is my notepad (how delightful). It's really hard to know when I'm being sarcastic or not.  I take a bath, and spend the penultimate hours buried head-deep in the world of atoms and molecules. It's fun for me.

X x X

I let out a yawn, and I notice my fancy lights aren't so important anymore: it's morning. Approximately Half past seven, to be precise. I can already hear Abella cursing at someone for waking her up, and apologising after she realises today is a school day. How crass. Predictably, Noelle comes to wake me up, an action I have deemed as an attack on my serenity for as long as I can remember. I'm not bothered however,as I also spent the night planning the perfect scene for this "attack". I take my swivel chair and place it in the middle of the room as I begin to hear her footfall, unlocking the door, leaving it ajar. As soon as she enters, she would see me sitting cross-legged, clad in my now dry captain core jumpsuit which I didn't mention before. She walks in, the lights are off, and I have assumed position. Oh she's going to get it now.
"Melvyn, wake up. Get ready for school," she says without looking or walking, to add even more fizz to my bubbling beverage of horror.  I surprise myself sometimes.  I thrust my swivel chair into action, following the trail of her cheap perfume to where she is and I whisper to her, my breath heating her up like a kernel. 


As expected, she pops. My calculations are spot-on, she's bemused and frightened. I let out a laugh. A bit evil, cliche-ly truncated by an underwhelming cough that came out of nowhere, but a laugh nonetheless. You could hear her panting from miles away. This was almost too easy, Certainly something to get the callous codswallop tablet I'd just swallowed in my beautiful dreams a few hours ago off my mind.  I'd prefer not narrating what turned out next.

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