11 | So how long was i out

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I sit there, my hand in his, fighting back the tears. He's here because of me. He had to save me because I got in trouble. He's laying here motionless, unconscious because of my naivety. If I'd been stronger and spoke up, I would have scared him off.  I had to just lure my knight in shining armour, and now he's my knight in a hospital gown. 

A stray tear dances down my cheek as I keep rubbing the veins on the back of his hand. I run my hand through his hair, and I recall the first day we met.  I'd damn myself to the gravestones if he never woke up. 

Just then, Tia and Abella walk in, I don't notice until Tia gives my shoulder a reassuring squeeze. 

"He'll be okay, Jay," Tia says in a motherly tone. How lucky Mel is to have a sibling like her. 

"Yeah. He's a dillweed, but not a dillweed at the same time. You know?" Abella adds, making me laugh. certainly the light of my day, pretty much the past eight days. 

The torment I've suffered is cosmic. 

Immediately they fell crashing down, my heart nearly jumped out of my body. I'd screamed as loud as I could, and heaved the heaviest sigh of my life when I heard a huge splash in the pool. I ran downstairs, but security were already there, trying to resuscitate Kamar. They'd have surely detained Mel if I hadn't shown up in time to narrate the entire story and knowing Kam, he'd have wanted to press charges.

"No! Don't!" I screamed at the guards who were receiving some orders

They then listened as I explained the sad tale: Kamar tried to rape me, Melvyn stumbled upon us while looking for me, Kamar engaged Mel in a fight, strangling him, and Mel had to stab him as self defense, and the struggle led to them crashing through my bedroom window while I stood there, mortified.  I had to lie about Melvyn being my boyfriend, though. 

Anyway, right now Kamar's in the precinct hospital, and is going to be sent to a rehabilitation centre as soon as he wakes up. Apparently even petty thieves can get up to five years in jail, but people who attempt rape get sent to rehab clinics because "they aren't sane." Blank.

Knowing Mel's dexterity – he'd stabbed him just above his gut, so he'd bleed out and pass out quickly, but live. Very smart choice. 

Wow, he looks so peaceful. 

That's besides the point, anyways. If Mel doesn't wake up anytime soon, I'm gonna have to move into this hospital. 

Just then, his eyes flutter open.  My world briefly ends, and restarts. I can't even smile, I've cried far too much.  The guilt strips as I watch his expressionless face morph into a frown.



I wake up in a white room. I've never been here before, and it smells like drugs, and I'm wearing a hospital gown. Blank. 

I look across the room and sit straight up. At that moment, Juanita and the rest of the jolly bunch walk in with some guy I assume to be my doctor, and a hot nurse. 

"Hold on! You're not supposed to just start moving."

"Who do you think you are, Superman? We need to examine you first." 

"Don't move so freely! You've got a bad stab wound." 

After they're done clearing me to live, I sit up straight on the bed, my feet touching the floor. The jolly bunch dramatically excuse me and Jay, what a bunch of morons, seriously. But I prefer it that way, though. Serene and lovable. 
"So tell me. How badass did I really look yesterday?"  

"Tranquil as a forest," Jay coos, smiling weakly. "Calm as the tide." 

"What do you mean? I stabbed a guy and flew six feet underwater--how could that be calm? Have you gone mad?" 

She smiles. "Mel, that was eight days ago." 

I furrow my eyebrows. "What're you saying? The impact of me falling from your top floor to your pool sent me into an eight-day coma?" I'm really confused. 

"You lost a lot of blood. You got stabbed," Jay says, taking my hand. "By yourself." 

I purse my lips. "That's pretty gut-wrenching, literally." 

Jay laughs. "You did look pretty badass though." 

I crack a smile. I reckon she hasn't seen one of my signature grins in a while. 

"And thanks for being...you know...brave back there. Took a lot to fight Kamar. I'm flattered." 

"Hey, I'd run into L.A traffic if you were in danger." 

She smiles, and rests her head on my lap. I reckon she's tired, and I play with her hair a little. Obviously she can't sleep like this, it's impossible. 

"So, how long have you been here?" 

"Well, I made a statement at the station that night, and I've been here ever since, watching your chest rise and fall." 

"That must've been hard for you. I mean, to see such an important figure--" 

She smacks my arm playfully. I wince, but I don't care.  I take the seat right next to her; my butt cheeks reaching subarctic temperatures on the metal surface as she rests her head on my shoulder, I rub her arm.  She whispers something into my ear. 

"You know, you're pretty harmless when your vitals are down."

I chuckle. "That's...the most diabolical compliment I've ever received, Jay."


  I'm discharged from the hospital that day, and a Welcome Back party is held in my honor at home. Noelle makes lamb. God, I love that woman's cooking.  I'm warmly greeted by the rest of The Six, I mean The Five—all of whom I am elated to see. I'm delighted my leaving the hospital is seen as a tangible reason to celebrate. 
Feels good.

Though, the party isn't in my spirits, so I go straight to bed. Sad. 

I think of all the times I've smiled unconsciously with Jay. I think about her a lot these days. I think about the scalding temperatures my blood reached when Kamar hit her. I think about the length of danger I put myself in just to avenge her dignity.

I look at a little books before I close my eyes in sleep.

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