skinny love part 4

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" how long do you think she's been there?"
"A while it stopped raining hours ago and she would have had to walked in the rain in order to get wet"
"True I didn't think about that darling"
"Good thinking there Astrophysicist"
"Get off me Rog you smell like a mini bar. Why do you think she came here?"
"To admit her undying love to Deacy of course"
"Oh kiss my ass Blondie, besides she clearly came to get her keys which are in my car"
"She doesn't have a spare?"
"This is Y/N we're talking about"
"I can hear you dumbass" you said crossing your arms looking at the blonde drummer. John looked concerned but he was still agitated from last night. "Y/N! Darling I'm glad you're okay you're cold to the bone" Freddie said taking his luxurious fur coat off and placing it around your shoulders. He gave you a tight hug "if there's anything I can do for you you just let me know". "Air I need air Freddie" you said causing everyone to chuckle even John. "Glad to see you got your humor back" Brian said. "Thanks" you started to get up John stopped you. "Oh you're not going anywhere Missy. You have a fever from being in the cold rain all night". You grumbled. Then you noticed something you weren't wearing your clothes. No you were wearing John's clothes you weren't even wearing your bra meaning..."what happened to my clothes I was wearing?" John turned red rubbing the back of his neck. "About that" John started but his breath hitched no one spoke. "Unless I woke up and changed into your clothes and dried myself off then explain to me how I got undressed" you said. "Well I couldn't leave you there you were soaking wet so I..." John went on. "Yes..." You expected him to say he just dried you off and put new clothes on you but what he said next shocked you. "So I made you a bath just how you like it. I took your clothes off washed, dried and folded them. You were still awake so I let you wash yourself. I dried you off got you some new clothes. I checked your temperature and I gave you some medicine. I laid you down but you didn't want me to leave without you so I stayed until you fell asleep" John said rambling on. You were stuned and you were pretty sure your mouth was wide open to. You looked at John and blushed under your gaze.  And of course Roger had to ruin this sweet moment. "Aww Tru love ain't it beautiful they grow up so fast".
"Shut up Roger" John said his eyes never left yours. You smiled at him and he smiled back

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